From upper mantle to seafloor:
insights on oceanic accretion processes from various techniques
J. Goslin
Jean Goslin's goal is to relate global scale processes: spreading ridges, hot spots, subduction zones to small scale processes. Global seismic tomography and geiod models give images of the thermal structure of the interior of the Earth. He had two global tomography models that measured the velocity of the p-waves in the mantle. However, when he compared the depth and harmonic degree at longer wavelengths of the two models they did not correlate at a regional scale.
Figure 1. Correlation coefficents between depth and harmonic degree.
To clarify the correlation of the two models he wants to use seismicity models. For this hydrophones will be used along the Atlantic SOFAR channel.
Figure 2. A cartoon that illustates the approach and function of hydrophones.
The seismic waves trapped in SOFAR channel will turn into acoustic waves and will be recorded. With this he hopes to find the reality of the ocean floor.