The Thomson TSM 5265B multibeam echosounder

The deep water multibeam echosounder (MBES) is intensively used for cartography (bathymetry and imagery) and sediment profiling. This instrument runs in two modes of operation: the "bathymetry and imaging" mode and the "sub-bottom profiler" (3.5 KHz) mode. Both modes can be run simultaneously.
  1. Bathymetry and imagery
  2. Frequency: 12 KHz
  3. Range of depths: 50 to 11000 m
  4. Redundancy: using with 5 separated cross-tracks swaths. This system permit a good mapping without gaps.
  5. Swaths angle: 120deg to 140deg

Simultaneous use of five transmission beams.

Representation of an image measured with Seafalcon 11 echosounder (raw image without post-processing).
The imaging system uses the reflectivity extracted from the five separated frequency swaths. This representation is useful for the study of the seafloor texture and composition. The grey levels are depent of the sea floor strucutre.
Exemple (on the right) of final traitment of data obtain by the MBES cupling with the sub-bottom-profiler.