5 reasons you need a Gaycation, by Nando

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Here’s a quick poll. Raise your hand if you knew a girl in college who sexually “experimented” with other girls for a period of time. Ok. Now let’s see a show of hands if you knew a guy who did the same thing. Exactly. In today’s society, women are allowed to test the gay waters whereas straight men cannot. So in the spirit of summer, when everyone’s taking a week or two vacation, Nando Rodriguez – creator of Nandoism, the web’s funniest and most helpful relationship advice – explains how the fellas are on the losing end of this double standard, and should take a well-earned Gaycation. - ed.

5 reasons you need a Gaycation, by Nando

1. A Gaycation puts you in a creative mindset. Sometimes being in the same straight relationship gets your imagination stuck in a rut. Playing with a penis, and other male body parts with a companion and a few tequila shooters will set your creative imagination soaring (trust me, 1997 is all the proof I need). You may find that you come up with all sorts of solutions to your current straight relationship woes.

2. It renews your spirit. And by renew I mean anal sex. It’s today’s pork- not enough people put it on their sexual plate. Butt-love allows you to process and think and solve many of life’s issues. As you’re involved in the act, (top or bottom) you can take your frustrations out or just get lost in the rhythm of things. In the end, (no pun intended) you might make it a staple in straight relationship once you see how it revitalizes your senses.

3. It makes your body stronger, fills it with more energy because it needs rest. You penis is tired of doing that whole vaginal thing. It’s giving you signs, like no longer getting “happy” with its “sexy-time”. Take the hint. Taking a Gaycation gives your penis the rest it deserves. While on Gaycation you’ll learn popular techniques like dry humping or the 5 tips to perfect mouth to penis therapy. Don’t you think it’s time to let your penis finally relax?

4. It helps you reset your mind. Even though the mind is a mystery, we do know that it can get tired. Mental fatigue. Getting away from your straight duties on a regular basis helps reset the mind to its peak condition.
Début de l'événement 25.02.2021
Fin de l'événement 25.02.2021