Arab M., Belhai D., Déverchère J., Roure F., Architecture and petroleum system modeling of the Eastern Algerian Offshore, 12èmes Journées Scientifiques et Techniques (JST12) de SONATRACH, 23-25 juin 2025, Centre de Conventions d'Oran, Ora,; Algérie.
Cattaneo A., Babonneau N., Kernec M., Déverchère J., Barbé A., Jaud M., Ruault R., Apport de la réalité virtuelle à la reconnaissance sous-marine des interactions entre tectonique et sédimentation sur une marge passive reprise en inversion: région de Boumerdès (Algérie), Session Thème 1 Géosciences et Numérique, Sous-session S1.1. Affleurements numériques: nouvelles méthodes d'analyse des affleurements sédimentaires, XVIIIème congrès de l’ASF (Association des Sédimentologues Français), Brest, 28-30 septembre 2022.
Septier A., Déverchère J., Perrot J., Renouard A., Towards understanding seismicity resilience and stability over space and time. International Statistical Seismology (StatSei) workshop, 13th Edition, March 16-20, 2024, Southern University of Science and Technology, Shenzhen, China.
Travan G., Gaullier V., Déverchère J., Vendeville B.C., Interplay of positive structural inversion and salt tectonics: The case study of the central Algerian margin, Western Mediterranean. Session SSP1.3 – Maria Bianca Cita and her legacy in the Messinian Salinity Crisis and micropaleontology in scientific ocean drilling, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 April–2 May 2025, EGU25-20036.
Dessa J.-X., Beslier M.-O., Schenini L., Sambolian S., Canva A., Ribodetti A., Operto S., Bachir Miguil M., Chamot-Rooke N., Corradi N., Delescluse M., Déverchère J., Larroque C., The active North Ligurian domain: new geophysical insight from the SEFASILS cruise, EGU General Assembly 2020, Online, 4–8 May 2020, EGU2020-10047, 2020.
Kernec M., Ruault R., Déverchère J., Jaud M., Querrec R., Utiliser l'environnement immersif en milieu sous-marin et côtier pour favoriser l’engagement étudiant: expérimentation à l'échelle de masters en sciences de la mer, Journée scientifique autour des environnements de simulation numérique et leurs apports à la pédagogie universitaire, ESN, Lyon, 2-3 Déc. 2021. Lien HAL Poster (36 Mo)
Bulois C., Pubellier M., Shannon P.M., Chamot-Rooke N., Déverchère J., Evolutionary dynamics of rifted basins: new thoughts about the formation of long-lived passive margin, Conference: 50 Years of Plate Tectonics: - Then, Now, and Beyond, Collège de France, Paris, France, June 2019 (Poster).
Déverchère J., Medaouri M., Beslier M-O., Arab M., Graindorge D., Bracene R., Leffondré P., Petit C., How does tectonic inversion initiate? Insights from the Algerian margin case study, AAPG GTW Workshop on "Alpine Folded Belts and Extensional Basins", Palacio de Congresos, Granada, Spain, 15-16 March 2018.
Hamai L., Lamali A., Abtout A., Yelles-Chaouche, A.K.,Boudelaa A., Déverchère J., Bougchiche S.S., Bacha W., Djadia L., A Review of the geodynamic evolution of the Onshore–Offshore central Algerian margin constrained by gravity data, Conference Proceedings, 1st Conference on Geophysics for Geothermal-Energy Utilization and Renewable-Energy Storage, Sept. 2019, Volume 2019, p.1-5.
Haidar S., Déverchère J., Arab M., Klingelhoefer K., Graindorge D., Medaouri M., Seismo-stratigraphic mapping guided by magnetic anomalies stripes: Assessing opening models for the Eastern Algerian oceanic domain, 2nd Conference of the Arabian Journal of Geosciences (CAJG), Session: T15-PS1, 25-28 Nov. 2019 (Poster).
Leffondré P., Déverchère J., Medaouri M., Graindorge D., Beslier M-O., Petit C., Hamai L., Klingelhoefer F., Mapping the oceanic flexure off Algeria: Along-strike changes in space and time, Conference: EGU General Assembly 2019, Geophysical Research Abstracts Vol. 21, EGU2019-14162, Vienna, Austria, April 2019 (Poster).
Tiberi C., Gautier S., Parat F, Baudin S., Clutier A., et al. (including Déverchère J.), Hazard in TAnzanian Rift project : how geodynamical processes can affect an ecosystem in terms of riks, education and population evolution. 7th International conference of the East African Rift, Commemoration of the 25 years of Earthquake Monitoring along the Rift System, Dar El Salam, Tanzania, 8 october 2018 (Poster). HAL
Vendeville B., Gaullier V., Déverchère J., Thin-skinned salt tectonics as a response to crustal movements in a recent convergent setting, Penrose Conference on Advances in Salt Tectonics: Observations, Applications and Perspectives (in honor of P.A. Jackson), Geol. Soc. Am. and Israel Min. Science, Dead Sea, Israel, 11-16 February, 2018.
2017 (9)
Arab M., Roure F., Rabineau M., Lassal A., Granjeon D., Bracene R., Déverchère J., 3D petroleum system modelling and hydrocarbon occurrence: case study in the eastern Algerian Offshore, Japan Gastech Conference and Exhibition, Makuhari Mess Chiba, Tokyo, Japan, 4-7 April 2017 (extended abstract, Talk).
Babonneau N., Cattaneo A., Ratzov G., Déverchère J., Si Bachir R., Yelles K., Holocene turbidite paleoseismology along the Algerian margin: a synthesis, International Meeting of Sedimentology (IMS), 33rd IAS & 16th ASF Joint Meeting, Toulouse, France (Poster CSP7-C19), October 10-12, 2017.
Babonneau N., Cattaneo A., Ratzov G., Déverchère J., Si Bachir R., Yelles K., Holocene turbidite records off 2 margins segments of Algeria, FP7 ASTARTE final meeting, April 6-8, Mallorca, Baleares, Spain (Poster, Abstract, see ASTARTE website)
Basile C., Girault I., Heuret A., Loncke L., Poetisi E., Graindorge D., Déverchère J., Klingelhoefer F., Lebrun J-F., Perrot J., and Roest W., Morphology and lithology of the continental slope north of the Demerara marginal plateau: results from the DRADEM cruise, Session "Extended Continental Shelf Mapping: a wealth of new continental margin understanding", Geophysical Research Abstracts Vol. 19, EGU2017-8107, EGU General Assembly 2017, Vienna.
Bulois C., Shannon P.M., Pubellier M., Chamot-Rooke N., Watremez L., and Déverchère J., Multiphased extension along continental margins: a case study of the Porcupine Basin, offshore Ireland, Session TS6.2 Tectonic inheritance: the role of pre-existing structures in rifts, margins and orogens, Geophysical Research Abstracts Vol. 19, EGU2017-9591, EGU General Assembly 2017, Vienna.
Gaullier V., Vendeville B.C. , Besème G., Legoux G., Déverchère J., and Lymer G., Gravitational salt tectonics above a rising basement plateau offshore Algeria, (Poster), Session "Understanding salt-related deformation: Seismic, field and physical/numerical modelling case studies", Geophysical Research Abstracts Vol. 19, EGU2017-14925, EGU General Assembly 2017, Vienna.
Abbassene G., Chazot G., Bellon H., Bruguier O., Ouabadi A., Maury R.C., Déverchère J., Bosch D., and Monié P., Le magmatisme post-collisionnel miocène des Maghrébides (secteur de la Petite Kabylie, Algérie) : origine et signification géodynamique, 1st International Symposium on the Geology of the Maghrebides chain and adjacent areas (CIGCM 2016), Setif, Algeria, 4-6 december 2016 (Oral) - Abstracts volume pp. 24-25.
Arab M., Rabineau M., Déverchère J., Bracene R., Belhai D., Roure F., Marok A., Bouyahiaoui B., Granjeon D., Andriessen P., and Sage F., Tectonostratigraphic evolution of the eastern Algerian margin and basin from seismic data and onshore-offshore correlation, 1st International Symposium on the Geology of the Maghrebides chain and adjacent areas (CIGCM 2016), Setif, Algeria, 4-6 december 2016 (Oral) - Abstracts volume pp. 36-37.
Babonneau N., Cattaneo A., Ratzov, G., Déverchère J., and Si Bachir, R., Récurrences des grands séismes établies par l'enregistrement sédimentaire des turbidites à l'Holocène sur une limite de plaques à convergence lente : Evaluation et comparaison de deux segments de la marge algérienne (Poster), 25ème Réunion des Sciences de la Terre (RST), Caen, 24-28 octobre 2016, Résumé p. 22.
Beslier M-O., Déverchère J., Géli L., Graindorge D., Klingelhoefer F., Sage F., Yelles-Chaouche A., Bracene R., Abtout A., Ouabadi A., and Badsi M., SPIRAL Project: Overview and main results, 1st International Symposium on the Geology of the Maghrebides chain and adjacent areas (CIGCM 2016), Setif, Algeria, 4-6 december 2016 (Oral) - Abstracts volume pp. 84-86.
Bouyahiaoui B., Sage F., Abtout A., Klingelhoefer F., Yelles-Chaouche A., Schnürle P., Marok A., Déverchère J., Arab M., Galve A., and Collot, J-Y., Crustal structure of the eastern Algerian continental margin and adjacent deep basin: implications for late Cenozoic geodynamic evolution of the western Mediterranean, 1st International Symposium on the Geology of the Maghrebides chain and adjacent areas (CIGCM 2016), Setif, Algeria, 4-6 december 2016 (Oral) - Abstracts volume pp. 65-66.
Cattaneo A., Babonneau, N., Ratzov, G., Yelles, K., Bracene, R., Si Bachir, R., and Déverchère J., Comparison of Holocene marine paleoseismic records of two sectors of the Algerian margin: what’s the reason for different responses from turbidites? (Oral), Session NH5.8/GM12.5 "Submarine landslide hazard and marine paleoseismology: regional and global implications", Geophysical Research Abstracts Vol. 18, EGU2016-15201C, EGU General Assembly 2016, Vienna. Abstract
Gautier S., Plasman M., Tiberi C., Lopez M., Peyrat S., Perrot J., Albaric J., Déverchère J., Deschamps A., Ebinger C., Roecker S., Mulibo G., Wambura R.F., Muzuka A., Msabi M., and Gama, R., Interaction between an incipient rift and a cratonic lithosphere : The North Tanzania Rift seen from some seismic tools, Geophysical Research Abstracts Vol. 18, EGU2016-8935G, EGU General Assembly 2016, Vienna. Abstract
Plasman M., Tarits P., Hautot S., Tiberi C., Gautier S., Albaric J., Le Gall B., Déverchère J., Ebinger C.J., Roecker S.W., Ferdinand R., Muzuka A., Msabi M. Khalfan M., Gama R., Mulibo G.D., The North Tanzania Rift seen from multi geophysical tools: link between seismicity and resistivity (Poster), T43B-3053, San Francisco AGU Fall Meeting, 12-16 Dec. 2016.
Si Bachir, R., Babonneau, N., Cattaneo, A., Ratzov, G., Déverchère J., and Yelles, K., Sedimentological analysis and long term chronostratigraphy (> 30 ka) of turbidite record offshore the central Algerian margin (Poster), Session NH5.8/GM12.5 "Submarine landslide hazard and marine paleoseismology: regional and global implications", Geophysical Research Abstracts Vol. 18, EGU2016-17524B, EGU General Assembly 2016, Vienna. Abstract
Tiberi C., Gautier S., Albaric J., Ebinger C., Déverchère J., Wambura R.F., and Muzuka, A., A multidisciplinary project to address the onset of rifting and the interaction between deformation and inherited fabrics, Geophysical Research Abstracts Vol. 18, EGU2016-8846T, EGU General Assembly 2016, Vienna. Abstract
Tiberi C., Plasman M., Gautier S., Peyrat S., Perrot P., Albaric J., Déverchère J., Deschamps A., Ebinger C.J., Roecker S.W., Mulibo G.D., Ferdinand R., Muzuka A., Msabi M., Moreto S., Dipping Upper Mantle Interface Beneath The North Tanzania Divergence from Receiver Functions (Poster), DI51A-2662, San Francisco AGU Fall Meeting, 12-16 Dec. 2016.
2015 (6)
Babonneau, N., Cattaneo A., Ratzov, G., Si Bachir R., Déverchère J., et Yelles K., 2014. Enregistrement paléosismologique Holocène fourni par l’analyse et la datation des dépôts turbiditiques distaux sur la marge algérienne (secteur d’Alger), Congrès de l’Association des Sédimentologues Français (ASF), Chambéry, France (Oral), 13-15 octobre 2015.
Déverchère, J., and Beslier, M-O., 2015. Inversion tectonique des marges : Les spécificités de la marge Algérienne (oral), JST (Journées Scientifiques et Techniques) 10, Sonatrach, 5-8 octobre 2015, Centre des Conventions d'Oran, Algérie.
Graindorge, D., Leprêtre, A., Déverchère, J., Klingelhoefer, F., Yelles, K., Bracene, R., and Schnurle, P., Post-messinian tectonic inversion of an oligocene rifting inherited block along the Algerian margin quantified by deep penetrating multichannel and refraction seismic data. Annual TOPO-EUROPE Workshop, Antibes (France), Oct 4-7, 2015.
Malaize, B. Déverchère, J., Leau, H. and Graindorge, D., 2015. University of the seas, 15 years of oceanographic schools on board of the Marion Dufresne. EGU General Assembly 2015, held 12-17 April, 2015 in Vienna, Austria. id.5996. Abstract
Si Bachir, R., Babonneau, N., Cattaneo A., Ratzov, G., Déverchère J., et Yelles, K., Analyse sédimentologique et chronostratigraphique long terme (>30 ka) de l’enregistrement turbiditique sur le secteur central de la marge Algérienne : peut-on identifier l’enregistrement des paléoséismes à cette échelle ? Congrès de l’Association des Sédimentologues Français (ASF), Chambéry, France (Poster), 13-15 octobre 2015.
2014 (9)
Aidi, C., Beslier, M-O., Yelles-Chaouche, K., Ribodetti, A., Bracene, R., Schenini, L., Djellit, H., Sage, F., Déverchère, J., Medaouri, M., Klingelhoefer, F., Abtout, A., Charvis, P., and Bounif, A., 2014. Tectonic Inversion of the Algerian Continental Margin off Great Kabylia (North Algeria) - Insights from new MCS data (SPIRAL cruise), Session TS7.4/G6.4/GD6.7/SM6.2 "Dynamics and Structure of the Mediterranean Alpine Collision and Back-arc", EGU General Assembly 2014, Vienna, Austria, 27 April – 02 May 2014, Geophysical Research Abstracts, EGU2014-14570 (Poster).
Arab, M., Bracene, R., Arbeaumont A., Granjeon, D., RANJEON, Roure, F., Déverchère, J., Rabineau, M., 2014. Coupling tectonic and stratigraphic modelling tools in complex tectonic domains: Case study in the North Algerian Offshore (Oral), 10th Workshop of the International Lithospheric Program (ILP) on Sedimentary Basins, "Lithosphere dynamics, sedimentary basins and geohazards in the Arabian Plate and surrounding areas", Jeddah, Saudi Arabia, 16-20 November 2014.
Babonneau, N., Ratzov, G., Cattaneo, A., Lateb, T., Déverchère, J., and Yelles, K., 2014. Holocene paleo-earthquake successions, established by turbidite paleosismology along the Algerian margin, reveal bimodal seismic sequences, 19th ISC (International Sedimentological Congress), IAS (International Association of Sedimentologists), Geneva, Switzerland, Session "Subaquatic paleoseismology: records of large Holocene earthquakes in marine and lacustrine sediments", 18-22 August 2014.
Bouyahiaoui, B., Sage, F., Abtout, A., Klingelhoefer, F., Yelles-Chaouche, A.K., Schenini, L., Schnürle, P., Marok, A., Déverchère, J., Arab, M., Galvé, A., and Collot, J-Y., 2014. Crustal structure and Miocene geodynamic evolution of the easternmost Algerian back-arc basin and continental margin (western Mediterranean sea) from wide-angle and multichannel seismics, Eos Trans. AGU, Abstract T53A-4665, 2014 Fall Meeting, AGU, San Francisco, Calif., Dec. 15-19, 2014 - Abstract
Déverchère, J., 2014. Douze ans de coopération entre l’Algérie et la France en Géosciences marines, 3ème Conférence algéro-française de l'Enseignement Supérieur et de la Recherche, CERIST, Alger (Algérie), 20-21 janvier 2014 (Table Ronde et poster (1.6MB)).
Hamai, L., Petit C., Abtout A., Yelles-Chaouche A., and Deverchère J., 2014. Flexion de la lithosphère océanique le long de la marge algérienne et implications tectoniques, 24° réunion des sciences de la Terre (RST), Pau, 27-31 octobre 2014 (Oral).
Hamai, L., Petit C., Abtout A., Yelles-Chaouche A., and Deverchère J., 2014. Structure et paramètres physiques de la lithosphère océanique le long de la marge algérienne, 1er CONGRES de la Société Algérienne de Géophysique (SAG), Alger, Algérie, mai 2014.
Ratzov, G., Cattaneo, A., Babonneau, N., Yelles, K., Bracene, R., Lateb, T., and Déverchère, J., 2014. Holocene turbidites reveal earthquake supercycles at a slow convergence plate boundary (Northern Algeria), Session TS3.3/ERE5.3 "Internal dynamics of salt structures, salt rheology and feedbacks between intra- and suprasalt processes", EGU General Assembly 2014, Vienna, Austria, 27 April – 02 May 2014, Geophysical Research Abstracts, EGU2014-15117 (Oral).
Vendeville, B., Gaullier, V., Déverchère, J., and Sage, F., 2014. Thin-skinned salt tectonics as a response to crustal movements in a recent convergent setting, Session S5.1/NH4.10/SM2.7 "Active Tectonics and the Earthquake Cycle", EGU General Assembly 2014, Vienna, Austria, 27 April – 02 May 2014, Geophysical Research Abstracts, EGU2014-7274 (Poster)
2013 (14)
Beslier, M-O., Aidi, C., Yelles-Chaouche, A., Ribodetti, A., Bracene, R., Schenini, L., Djellit, H., Sage, F., Déverchère, J., Medaouri, M., Klingelhoefer, F., Abtout, A., Charvis, F., and Bounif, A., 2013. Tectonic Inversion of the Algerian Continental Margin off Great Kabylia (North Algeria) - Insights from new MCS data (SPIRAL cruise), Eos Trans. AGU, Abstract #T21A-2529, 2013 Fall Meeting, AGU, San Francisco, Calif., 9-13 Dec., 2013.
Boudiaf, A., Benaissa, Z., Déverchère, J., Klingelhoefer, F., Sage, F., Graindorge, D., Beslier, M.O., Galve, A., and Geli, L., 2013. The SPIRAL Project: Three years after, International Symposium on "The large Mediterranean earthquakes: From past to present - Commemoration of the Boumerdes earthquake of 21 May 2003 (Mw 6.8), 10 years after", C.R.A.A.G. and Direction Générale de la Protection Civile, Algiers, Algeria, 21-23 May 2013.
Boudiaf, A., Dominguez, S., Strzerzynski, P., and Déverchère, J., 2013. Plio-Quaternary morphologic and structural evolution of the algerian margin: insights from analog modeling, International Symposium on "The large Mediterranean earthquakes: From past to present - Commemoration of the Boumerdes earthquake of 21 May 2003 (Mw 6.8), 10 years after", C.R.A.A.G. and Direction Générale de la Protection Civile, Algiers, Algeria, 21-23 May 2013.
Déverchère, J., Cattaneo, A., Yelles, K., Bracene, R., Babonneau, N., Jacinto, R.S., Sultan, N., and Strzerzynski, P., 2013. Morphotectonics of the margin off the Algiers area and sedimentary instabilities potentially triggered by the 2003 Boumerdes event, International Symposium on "The large Mediterranean earthquakes: From past to present - Commemoration of the Boumerdes earthquake of 21 May 2003 (Mw 6.8), 10 years after", C.R.A.A.G. and Direction Générale de la Protection Civile, Algiers, Algeria, 21-23 May 2013.
Déverchère, J., Bracene, R., and Yelles, K., 2013. A Review of the Morphology, Structure and Depositional Pattern of the Western and Central Algerian Margin, AAPG European Regional Conference & Exhibition, Exploring the Mediterranean: New Concepts in an Ancient Seaway, April 8-10, 2013, Barcelona, Spain. (Oral).
Gautier, S., Lambert, C., Msabi, M., Mtelela, K., Muzuka, A., Perrot, J., Rasendra, N., Roecker, S. W., Rodzianko, A., andWitkin, E., 2013. Receiver functions analysis in Northern Tanzania to understand the earliest stage of rifting, Eos Trans. AGU, Abstract #T21A-2525, 2013 Fall Meeting, AGU, San Francisco, Calif., 9-13 Dec., 2013.
Graindorge, D., Leprêtre, A., Déverchère J., Klingelhoefer, F., Yelles, K., Bracene, R., and Schnurle, P., 2013. Post-messinian tectonic inversion of an oligocene rifting inherited block along the Algerian margin quantified by deep penetrating multichannel and refraction seismic data, 8th workshop of the ILP-Task Force on Sedimentary Basin, Marseille, 14-18 October 2013.
Heddar, A., Authemayou, C., Yelles, A. Djellit, H., Déverchère, J., Boudiaf, A., Van Vliet-Lanoë, B., and Gharbi, S., 2013. Evidence of historical seismic surface ruptures along the Sahel fault (Algeria) from paleoseismological investigations, EGU General Assembly 2013, Vienna, Austria, 7-12 April 2013, Geophysical Research Abstracts, EGU2013-10162.
Heddar, A., Authemayou, C., Yelles, A. Djellit, H., Déverchère, J., Boudiaf, A., Van Vliet-Lanoë, B., and Gharbi, S., 2013. Evidence of historical seismic surface ruptures along the Sahel fault (Algeria) from paleoseismological investigations, International Symposium on "The large Mediterranean earthquakes: From past to present - Commemoration of the Boumerdes earthquake of 21 May 2003 (Mw 6.8), 10 years after", C.R.A.A.G. and Direction Générale de la Protection Civile, Algiers, Algeria, 21-23 May 2013.
Kherroubi, A., Yelles-Chaouche, A.K., and Déverchère, J., 2013. Evidence of tsunamigenic sources along the coastline of Algeria, International Symposium on "The large Mediterranean earthquakes: From past to present - Commemoration of the Boumerdes earthquake of 21 May 2003 (Mw 6.8), 10 years after", C.R.A.A.G. and Direction Générale de la Protection Civile, Algiers, Algeria, 21-23 May 2013.
Ratzov, G., Cattaneo, A., Babonneau, N., Déverchère, J., Yelles, K., and Bracene, R., 2013. Paleoseismology under sea: First evidence for irregular seismic cycles during Holocene off Algeria from turbidites, EGU General Assembly 2013, Vienna, Austria, 7-12 April 2013, Geophysical Research Abstracts, EGU2013-10765, TS8.1/NH4.6/SM2.2.
Ratzov, G., Cattaneo, A., Babonneau, N., Yelles, K., Bracene, R., and Déverchère, J., 2013. Insights on time series of large earthquakes off Algeria from Holocene turbidites, International Symposium on "The large Mediterranean earthquakes: From past to present - Commemoration of the Boumerdes earthquake of 21 May 2003 (Mw 6.8), 10 years after", C.R.A.A.G. and Direction Générale de la Protection Civile, Algiers, Algeria, 21-23 May 2013.
2011-2012 (13)
Asioli, A., Piva, A., Cattaneo, A., Andersen, N., Ariztegui, D., Blockley, S.P.E., Bourne, A., Dennielou, B., Babonneau, N., Déverchère, J., Lowe, J.J., Ridente, D., and Trincardi, F., High-resolution paleoenvironmental record of the last 60 kyrs BP in the Central Mediterranean, XVIII INQUA Congress, 20-27 July 2011, Bern, Switzerland. ID 2025.
Bracene, R., Medaouri, M., Meraghni, N., Déverchère, J., Ouabadi A., and Yelles, K., Petroleum Systems and Geodynamics of the Algerian Margin, MAPG-AAPG 2nd International Convention, Conference & Exhibition, Northwest Africa Building on Past Success to Unlock Future Potential, 5-7 October 2011, Marrakech, Morrocco. (Oral) - Abstract
Cattaneo, A., Babonneau, N., Asioli, A., Yelles, K., Déverchère, J., Jamet, G., and Silva Jacinto, R., Searching for the seafloor signature of the May 21, 2003 Boumerdès earthquake offshore central Algeria, EGU General Assembly 2011, Vienna, Austria, 3-8 April 2011, Geophysical Research Abstracts, GM8.4/OS3.6/SSP1.6/TS4.7. (Poster)
Cattaneo, A., Babonneau, N., Ratzov, G., Dan-Unterseh, G., Yelles, K., Lateb, T., Bracene, R., Mercier de Lépinay, B., Boudiaf, A., and Déverchère, J., The signature of past earthquakes offshore central Algeria: From cable breaks to paleoseismology (Poster). Deep-Sea and Sub-Seafloor Frontiers (DS3F) Conference, 11-14 March 2012, Sitges, Spain.
Déverchère, J., Yelles, K., Bracene, R., Mercier de Lépinay, B., Cattaneo, A., Medaouri, M., Gaullier, V., Babonneau, N., Ratzov, G., Boudiaf, A., Graindorge, D., Kherroubi, A., Strzerzynski, P., Authemayou, C., Djellit, H., and Heddar, A., Recent Inversion, Seismic Potential, and Neogene Kinematics of the Algerian Margin (Western Mediterranean) from Offshore Studies, AGU Meeting, 4-9 Dec. 2011, San Francisco, USA, Abstract T53D-02. (Invited)
Dobrynina, A., Albaric, J., Deschamps, A., Perrot, J., Ferdinand, R.W., Déverchère, J., Sankov, V.A., and Chechelnitsky, V.V., Seismic waves attenuation in continental lithosphere under extensional condition: Comparison of the East African and Baikal rift systems (Oral), ESC (European Seismological Commission) 33thd General Assembly, Moscow, Russia, August 19-24, 2012, Moscow and Young Seismologist Training Course (YSTC 2012), 25-30 August 2012, Obninsk – M., PH “Poligrafiqwik”, 2012.
Kherroubi, A., Yelles, A.K., Koulakov, I., Beldjoudi, H., Semmane, F., Déverchère, J., and Haned, A., The Boumerdes (Algeria) earthquake of May 21st, 2003 (MW: 6.8): Aftershocks sequence analysis and tomographic inversion, ESC (European Seismological Commission) 33thd General Assembly, Moscow, Russia, August 19-24, 2012.
Leprêtre, A., Déverchère, J., Klingelhoefer, F., Schnürle, P., Graindorge, D., Yelles, K., and Bracene, R., First images of the crustal structure across the central Algerian margin, off Tipaza (West Algiers) from deep penetrating seismic data: new information to constrain the opening of the Algerian basin, AGU Meeting, 4-9 Dec. 2011, San Francisco, USA, T53D-03. (Oral)
Leprêtre, A., Graindorge, D., Klingelhoefer, F., Schnürle, P., Bracene, R., Yelles, K., and Déverchère, J., How atypical is the Algerian passive margin? First results from structures imaged by seismic data off Tipaza, central Algerian margin, EGU General Assembly 2011, Vienna, Austria, 3-8 April 2011, Geophysical Research Abstracts, TS6.2/GD5.9/GMPV46/SM1.6. (Oral)
Leprêtre, A., Klingelhoefer, F., Graindorge, D., Schnürle, P., Bracene, R., Yelles, and Déverchère, J., The deep crustal structure of the central Algerian margin off Tipaza from wide-angle seismic data, MAPG-AAPG 2nd International Convention, Conference & Exhibition, 5-7 October 2011, Marrakech, Morrocco. (Poster)
Medaouri, M., Bendiab, F., Bracene, R., Déverchère, J., Graindorge, D., Ouabadi, A., and Yelles, K., The Yussuf Ridge: Geodynamic Setting and Petroleum Exploration Implications, MAPG-AAPG 2nd International Convention, Conference & Exhibition, Northwest Africa Building on Past Success to Unlock Future Potential, 5-7 October 2011, Marrakech, Morrocco. (Poster)
Ratzov, G., Cattaneo, A., Yelles, K., Bracene, R., and Déverchère, J.,Testing 8000 years of submarine paleoseismicity record offshore western Algeria: First evidence for irregular seismic cycles, Eos Trans. AGU, Abstract (Poster), 2012 Fall Meeting, AGU, San Francisco, Calif., 3-7 Dec., 2012.
Yelles, A.K., Kherroubi, A., and Déverchère, J., The Algerian Offshore Seismicity: a Global Overview, ESC (European Seismological Commission) 33thd General Assembly, Moscow, Russia, August 19-24, 2012.
2010 (21)
Albaric, J., Godano, M., Déverchère, J., Perrot, J., Deschamps, A., Le Gall, B., Ferdinand, W.R., Sue, C., Petit, C., and Tiberi, C., Focal mechanisms, stress field and crustal rheology in the North Tanzanian Divergence (East African Rift) inferred from local seismicity analysis, (Oral), EGU General Assembly 2010, Vienna, Austria, 2-7 May 2010, Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 12, EGU2010-11763.
Albaric, J., Godano, M., Déverchère, J., Perrot, J., Deschamps, A., Sue, C., Le Gall, B., Ferdinand, W.R., Petit, C., and Tiberi, C., Focal mechanisms, stress field and crustal rheology in the North Tanzanian Divergence (East African Rift) inferred from local seismicity analysis, (Poster), in "Iceland in the central Northern Atlantic: Hot spot, sea currents and climate change", Plouzané, France.
Albaric, J., Barruol, G., Déverchère, J., Deschamps, A., Perrot, J., Tiberi, C., Ferdinand, R.W., and Sue, C., Insights into initial stages of rifting from seismotectonics and SKS splitting in the North Tanzanian Divergence, Abstract T31B-2158 (Poster) presented at 2010 Fall Meeting, AGU, San Francisco, Calif., 13-17 Dec. 2010. Abstract
Authemayou, C., Heddar, A., Pedoja, K., Djellit, H., Boudiaf, A., Yelles, K., and Déverchère, J., Morphotectonic evidence of the Sahel structure evolution from Pliocene to Quaternary (Algeria) (Poster), ESC (European Seismological Commission) 32nd General Assembly, Montpellier, France, September 6-9, 2010. Abstract
Babonneau, N., Cattaneo, A., Déverchère, J., Guilbaud, V., and Yelles, K., Sedimentological record of past earthquakes in the Algerian margin from turbidite deposits (Maradja Project): towards a paleoseismological approach (Poster), ESC (European Seismological Commission) 32nd General Assembly, Montpellier, France, September 6-9, 2010. Abstract
Babonneau, N., Cattaneo, A., Yelles,K, Déverchère, J., et l’équipe scientifique Maradja, Enregistrement sédimentaire des séismes sur la marge algérienne à partir des dépôts turbiditiques récents: Vers une approche de paléosismologie sous-marine, First Congress on the Maghreb Geology, Tlemcen, Algeria, November 10-12, 2010.
Cattaneo, A., Silva Jacinto, R., Jamet, G., Babonneau, N., Déverchère, J., and Yelles, K., Offshore geohazard by earthquake-induced turbidity currents: telecommunication cable breaks on May 21, 2003 offshore central Algeria, 23ème Réunion des Sciences de la Terre (RST), Bordeaux, France, 25-29 Octobre 2010.
Déverchère, J., Quelques réflexions sur l'inversion des marges passives, l'initiation des subductions, et les spécificités de la marge algérienne, First Congress on the Maghreb Geology (GEOMAG 1), Tlemcen, Algeria, November 10-12, 2010. Deverchere_Geomag10.pdf (0.2MB)
Déverchère, J., Babonneau, N., Yelles, K., Cattaneo, A., Mercier de Lépinay, B., Gaullier, V., and Stzerzynski, P., An overview of the tectonic style and the sedimentary record of strong earthquakes off central Algeria, Mediterranean Sea, 23ème Réunion des Sciences de la Terre (RST), Bordeaux, France, 25-29 Octobre 2010.
Déverchère, J., Babonneau, N., Authemayou, C., Medaouri, M., Bracene R., Yelles, K., Graindorge, D., Cattaneo, A., et Strzerzynski, P., Quoi de neuf au sud de la Méditerranée occidentale? Quelques problèmes en suspens et quelques esquisses de réponse, Symposium en hommage à Maurice Mattauer, Montpellier, France, 9-10 décembre 2010.
Déverchère, J., Yelles-Chaouche, A., and Bracene, R., An example of a marine research collaboration in Earth Sciences built between France and Algeria: Steps, challenges and mutual benefits (Oral), ESC (European Seismological Commission) 32nd General Assembly, Montpellier, France, September 6-9, 2010.
Gaullier V., Lofi J., Sage F., Chanier F., Déverchère J., Gorini C., Loncke L., Maillard A., Pascucci V., Thinon I., and Sellier N., Salt tectonics and crustal tectonics along the eastern Sardinian margin, western Tyrrhenian: New insights from the "METYSS 1" cruise (June 2009), 23ème Réunion des Sciences de la Terre (RST), Bordeaux, France, 25-29 Octobre 2010.
Graindorge, D., Sage, F., Bracene, R., Yelles, K., Klingelhoefer, F., Déverchère, J., Marok, A., and SPIRAL Scientific party, The deep Algerian margin structure revisited by the Algerian-French SPIRAL research program, stage 1 : MCS seismic cruise (Poster), EGU General Assembly 2010, Vienna, Austria, 2-7 May 2010, Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 12, EGU2010-12275.
Graindorge, D., Bracene, R., Klingelhoefer, F., Yelles, K., Sage, F., Oaubadi, A., Déverchère, J., Marok, A., Schnurle, P., and SPIRAL Scientific Party, La structure profonde de la marge algérienne imagée par le programme franco-algérien SPIRAL : Intérêt géodynamique, 23ème Réunion des Sciences de la Terre (RST), Bordeaux, France, 25-29 Octobre 2010.
Leprêtre, A., Klingelhoefer, F., Graindorge, D., Bracene, R., Yelles, K., Schnurle, P., Marok, A., Sage, F., and Déverchère, J., Transect de sismique profonde à travers la marge algérienne (ouest d'Alger) à l'échelle lithosphérique: Résultats préliminaires (campagne SPIRAL), First Congress on the Maghreb Geology, Tlemcen, Algeria, November 10-12, 2010.
Lofi, J., Gaullier, V., Sage, F., Chanier, F., Déverchère, J., Gorini, C., Maillard,A., Pascucci, V., Sellier, N., and Thinon, I., Messinian seismic Markers in the Western Tyrrhenian Sea: Preliminary results from the "METYSS" Cruise (June 2009), EGU General Assembly 2010, Vienna, Austria, 2-7 May 2010, Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 12, EGU2010-10022.
Lofi, J., Gaullier, V., Sage, F., Chanier, F., Déverchère, J., Gorini, C., Maillard,A., Pascucci, V., Sellier, N., and Thinon, I., Messinian seismic markers in the western Tyrrhenian Sea : Preliminary results from the “METYSS-1” cruise, 23ème Réunion des Sciences de la Terre (RST), Bordeaux, France, 25-29 Octobre 2010.
Mordvinova, V., Treussov, A., Tiberi, C., Barruol, G., Déverchère, J., and Deschamps, A., 2D P-teleseismic tomography in southern Siberia and Mongolia: Evidence for upwelling mantle flows (Poster), ESC (European Seismological Commission) 32nd General Assembly, Montpellier, France, September 6-9, 2010.
Strzerzynski, P., Déverchère, J., Cattaneo, A., Bracene, R., Domzig, A., Yelles, K., Mercier de Lépinay, B., Babonneau, N., and Boudiaf, A., Cenozoic tectonic evolution of the Algerian margin and the Tell domain: a scenario of slab roll-back, collision, slab breakoff and incipient subduction, (Poster), ESC (European Seismological Commission) 32nd General Assembly, Montpellier, France, September 6-9, 2010.
Yelles, A., Déverchère, J., Bracene, R., Cattaneo, A., Gaullier, V., Geli, L., Graindorge, D., Kherroubi, A., Klingelhoefer, F., and Mercier de Lépinay, B., From Maradja to Spiral surveys: Recent and active deformation of the Algerian margin: evidence for its contractional reactivation (Oral), ESC (European Seismological Commission) 32nd General Assembly, Montpellier, France, September 6-9, 2010.
2009 (17)
Albaric, J., Perrot, J., Déverchère, J., Deschamps, A., Ferdinand, R.W, and Le Gall, B., Shallow and deep earthquake sequences captured in the North Tanzanian Divergence, East Africa: Inferences on seismogenic processes and rheology, AGU Meeting, 14-18 Dec. 2009, San Francisco, Abstract T43F-05.
Babonneau, N., Cattaneo, A., Savoye, B., Barjavel, G., Déverchère, J., and Yelles, K., The Kramis Fan offshore western Algeria: role of sediment waves in turbiditic levee growth. Extended Abstract for SEPM Conference on “Application of Seismic Geomorphology Principles to Continental Slope and Base-of-slope Systems: Case Studies from Seafloor and Near-Seafloor Analogues”, AAPG, Houston, Texas, 12-14 November 2009.
Babonneau, N., Cattaneo, A., Strzerzynski, P., Savoye, B., Yelles, K., et Déverchère, J., Le deep sea fan d'Alger: un système turbiditique fortement contrôlé par l'activité tectonique et sismique de la marge. 12ème Congrès de l'ASF, 25-31 octobre 2009, Rennes, France. Abstract dans livre des résumés, Publ. ASF, n°64, 18.
Cattaneo, A., Asioli, A., Babonneau, N., Strzerzynski, P., Yelles, K., Sultan, N., et Déverchère, J., Etude chronostratigraphique et micropaléontologique dans la marge algérienne centrale. 12ème Congrès de l'ASF 25-31 octobre 2009, Rennes, France. Abstract dans Livres des résumés, 64, 69.
Cattaneo, A., Babonneau, N., Dan, G., Déverchère, J., Domzig, A., Gaullier, V., Lepillier, B., Nouguès, A., Savoye, B., Strzerzynski, P., Sultan, N., and Yelles, K., Mass transport processes along the active Algerian margin: a review of their occurrence and potential link with geologic setting and tectonic structures. Submarine Mass Movements and Their Consequences, 4th International Symposium Austin, Texas, USA, 8-11 November 2009 (oral).
Dan, G., Sultan, N., Cattaneo, A., Déverchère, J., and Yelles, K., Mass transport deposits on the Algerian margin (Algiers area): Morphology, lithology and sedimentary processes, Submarine Mass Movements and Their Consequences, 4th International Symposium Austin, Texas, USA, 8-11 November 2009 (oral).
Déverchère, J., Albaric, J., Perrot, J., Deschamps, A., Le Gall, B., Ferdinand, R.W., Petit, C., C. Tiberi, C., Sue, C., and Songo, M. (invited), What earthquake sequences in continental rifts tell us on rheology and seismogenic behaviours: the case study of North Tanzania, East Africa, International Meeting on «Faulting and seismicity in the lithosphere: tectonophysical concepts and effects», 60th anniversary of the Institute of the Earth’s Crust of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, 30th anniversary of the Laboratory of Tectonophysics, IEC SB RAS, Irkutsk, Russia, August 17-23, 2009.
Dominguez, S., Strzerzynski, P., Déverchère, J., Boudiaf, A., and Yelles, K., Morphologic and structural evolution of the Algerian Margin since Messinian (-6 Myr): First results of a new experimental approach, Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 11, EGU2009-10646.
Domzig, A., Déverchère, J., Strzerzynski, P., Yelles, K., Babonneau, N., Cattaneo, A., Mercier de Lepinay, B., Graindorge, D., Bracène, R., Kherroubi, A., and Gaullier, V., The Algerian margin : a case study of interaction between Plio-Quaternary sedimentation and tectonics. AAPG Annual Convention and Exhibition, 7-10 June 2009, Colorado Convention Center, Denver, Colorado, USA. Abstract (pdf) -Abstract (on line)
Gaullier, V., Lofi, J., Sage, F., Chanier, F., Déverchère, J., Dutreuil, V., Gorini, C., Loncke, L., Maillard, A., Pascucci, V., Thinon, I., Sellier, N., Suc, J-P., and Clauzon, G., The Messinian event on the eastern Sardinian margin (Tyrrhenian sea) from seismic study: new insights from the “METYSS” cruise (june 2009). 27th IAS Meeting of Sedimentologists, Alghero (Italy), September 20-23, 2009, Medimond International Proceedings, 73-78. Abstract
Gaullier, V., Lofi, J., and the « METYSS » Scientific Party (including Déverchère J.), The Messinian event on the eastern Sardinian margin (Tyrrhenian Sea) from seismic study: New insights from the “METYSS” cruise. 13th Congress RCMNS (Regional Committee on Mediterranean Neogene Stratigraphy): “Earth System Evolution and the Mediterranean area from 23 Ma to the Present”, Naples (Italy), 2-6 September 2009, Abstract book, Acta Naturalia de “L’Ateneo Parmense”, 45, n°1/4, 341-342.
Lofi, J., Déverchère, J., Gaullier, V., Gillet, H., Gorini, C., Guennoc, P., Loncke, L., Maillard, A., Sage, F., and Thinon, I., The Messinian Salinity Crisis event from an offshore point of view : Recent advances. 13th Congress RCMNS (Regional Committee on Mediterranean Neogene Stratigraphy): “Earth System Evolution and the Mediterranean area from 23 Ma to the Present”, Naples (Italy), 2-6 September 2009, Abstract book, Acta Naturalia de “L’Ateneo Parmense”, 45, n°1/4, 374-375.
Lofi, J., Déverchère, J., Gaullier, V., Gillet, H., Gorini, G., Guennoc, Pol, Loncke, L., Maillard, A., Sage, F., et Thinon, I., Seismic Atlas of the "Messinian Salinity Crisis" markers in the Mediterranean and Black Seas. 12ème Congrès de l'ASF, 25-31 octobre 2009, Rennes, France. Abstract dans Livre des résumés, Publ. ASF, n°64, 362 p., ISSN 0990-3925, ISBN 2-907205-63-3.
Lofi J., Gaullier V., and the METYSS Scientific Party, 2009. The messinian event on the eastern sardinian margin (tyrrhenian sea) from seismic study: new insights from the “METYSS” cruise. IAS2009, Alghero, 20-23 september 2009.
ALBARIC, J., DESCHAMPS, A., DÉVERCHÈRE, J., WAMBURA-FERDINAND, R., PERROT, J., LE GALL, B., SUE, C., TIBERI, C., PETIT, C., Seismotectonic and structural study of the North Tanzanian Divergence: first results from the SEISMO-TANZ’07 experiment, EGU General Assembly, Abstract GD21-1TH5O-002, 13-18 April, Vienna, Austria, 2008.
ALBARIC J., PERROT, J., DESCHAMPS, A., DÉVERCHÈRE, J., WAMBURA, R., TIBERI, C., PETIT, C., LE GALL, B., SUE, C., Transition From a Magmatic to a Tectonic Rift System : Seismotectonics of the Eyasi- Manyara Region, Northern Tanzania, East Africa
ALBARIC, J., DESCHAMPS, A., DEVERCHERE, J., WAMBURA-FERDINAND, R., PERROT, J., LE GALL, B., SUE, C., TIBERI, C., PETIT, C., Etude sismotectonique et structurale de la Divergence Nord Tanzanienne: résultats préliminaires de la mission SEISMO-TANZ'07, Réunion des Sciences de la Terre (RST), Nancy, 21-24 avril 2008.
BABONNEAU, N., SAVOYE, B., CATTANEO, A., NOUGUÈS, A., YELLES, K., DÉVERCHÈRE, J., Quaternary turbidite systems along the Algerian margin: Morphology and structure of the Kramis and Algiers deep-sea fans (Maradja project), AAPG Annual Convention and Exhibition, 20-23 April, Abstract n. 90078, San Antonio, USA, 2008.
BARRUOL, G.; DESCHAMPS, A.; DÉVERCHÈRE, J.; MORDVINOVA, V.; ULZIIBAT, M.; PERROT, J.; ARTEMIEV, S.; DUGARMAA, T.; BOKELMANN, GHR., Upper Mantle Anisotropy Beneath Central Mongolia, EGU General Assembly, Abstract SM7-1FR3P-0512, 13-18 April, Vienna, Austria, 2008.
Cattaneo A., Sultan N., Silva Jacinto R., Savoye B., Dan G., Nouguès A., Yelles K., Babonneau N., Strzerzynski P., Déverchère J. Multi-parametric analysis of submarine slides on the Algerian continental slope (Western Mediterranean), Congresso GEOSED, In: Moretti, M. (Ed) Congress Abstracts, 27-29 (Oral), 25-26 September, Bari, Italia, 2008. Extended abstract: cattaneo08pdf.pdf (0.4MB)
D’OREYE, N., CALAIS, E., ALBARIC, J., DESCHAMPS, A., DÉVERCHÈRE, J., DELVAUX, D., EBINGER, C., FERDINAND, R., KERVYN, F., MACHEYEKI, A., OYEN, A., PERROT, J., SARIA, E., SMETS, B., STAMPS, S., WAUTHIER, C., Dyke intrusion in a youthful continental rift revealed by InSAR : The Lake Natron (Tanzania) 2007 seismo-magmatic crisis, IAVCEI General Assembly, Reykjavik, Iceland (invited), 2008.
DOMZIG, A., GOVERS, R., WORTEL, R., DÉVERCHÈRE, J., YELLES, K., The western Algerian margin: an example of a Miocene STEP (Subduction-Transform Edge Propagator)? New constraints for the geodynamic evolution of the Alboran region, EGU General Assembly, Abstract IS64 - TS19/GD33/G16-1TH3P-0802, 13-18 April, Vienna, Austria, 2008.
GAULLIER, V., LONCKE, L., VENDEVILLE, B., DEVERCHERE, J., DROZ, L., et coll., Tectonique salifère et géodynamique : Partie 1 - Exemples de Méditerranée occidentale, Géodynamique et paléogéographie de l’aire méditerranéenne au Mio-Pliocène : l’interférence eustatisme – tectonique, Séance spécialisée de la Société Géologique de France en l’honneur de Georges CLAUZON, Prix Fontannes 2007, 5–6 Mai 2008, Volume des résumés, 35-36, Villeurbanne, 2008.
GAULLIER, V., LOFI, J., and the METYSS scientific party, The METYSS Cruise: Messinian Event in the Tyrrhenian from Seismic Study. 84° Congresso Nazionale, Societa Geologica Italiana, "Evoluzione geologica del Mediterraneo Occidentale", Sassari, Sardinia, Italy, 15-17 September, Rendiconti Online, Volume 3, Fascicolo 2, 419-420, 2008.
LOFI, J., DÉVERCHÈRE, J., GAULLIER, V., GILLET, H., GORINI, C., GUENNOC, P., LONCKE, L., MAILLARD, A., SAGE, F., THINON, I., Atlas of the Messinian seismic markers in the Mediterranean and Black Seas. 84° Congresso Nazionale, Societa Geologica Italiana, "Evoluzione geologica del Mediterraneo Occidentale", Sassari, Sardinia, Italy, 15-17 September, Rendiconti Online, Volume 3, Fascicolo 2, 494-495, 2008.
LOFI, J., DEVERCHERE, J., GAULLIER, V., GILLET, H., GORINI, C., GUENNOC, P., LONCKE, L., MAILLARD, A., SAGE, F., THINON, I., The Messinian Salinity Crisis in the offshore domain: an overview of our knowledge through seismic profile interpretation and multi-site approach, Géodynamique et paléogéographie de l’aire méditerranéenne au Mio-Pliocène : l’interférence eustatisme – tectonique, Séance spécialisée de la Société Géologique de France en l’honneur de Georges CLAUZON, Prix Fontannes 2007, 5–6 Mai 2008, Volume des résumés, 48, Villeurbanne, 2008.
SANKOV, V.A., LUKHNEV, A.V., MIROSHNITCHENKO, A.I., ASHURKOV, S.V., BYZOV, L.M., DEMBELOV, M.G., CALAIS, E., DÉVERCHÈRE, J., Extension in Baikal rift basin after 13 years of GPS measurements: present-day kinematics of passive rifting (solicited), EGU General Assembly, Abstract GD21-1TH1P-0122, 13-18 April, Vienna, Austria, 2008.
STRZERZYNSKI, P., CATTANEO, A., DOMZIG, A., MERCIER DE LEPINAY, B., DÉVERCHÈRE, J., YELLES, K., BRACÈNE, R., Plio-Quaternary shortening of the Algerian margin in the region of Boumerdes highlighted by multibeam bathymetrey and seismic reflection (Maradja 1 and Samra cruises), EGU General Assembly, Abstract IS64 - TS19/GD33/G16-1WE3O-004, 13-18 April, Vienna, Austria, 2008.
STRZERZYNSKI, P., CATTANEO, A., DOMZIG, A., MERCIER DE LÉPINAY, B., DÉVERCHÈRE, J., YELLES, K., BRACÈNE, R., Plio-quaternary folds and blinds thrusts along the Algerian margin: evidence from multibeam bathymetry and seismic reflection survey, 33rd International Geological Congress, 6-14 august, Oslo, Norway, 2008.
STRZERZYNSKI, P., DOMZIG, A., YELLES, K., CATTANEO, A., DÉVERCHÈRE, J., BABONNEAU, N., MERCIER DE LÉPINAY, B., CAPRON, A., BOUDIAF, A., BRACÈNE, R., Plio-Quaternary deformation pattern along the Algerian margin: insights from multibeam bathymetry and seismic reflection (Maradja 1 and Samra cruises), International Meeting of Young Researchers in Structural Geology and Tectonics – YORSGET, 1-3 July, Oviedo, Spain, 2008.
STRZERZYNSKI, P., CATTANEO, A., DÉVERCHÈRE, J., YELLES, K., MERCIER DE LÉPINAY, B., DOMZIG, A., BRACÈNE R., Plio-Quaternary Shortening on the Algerian Margin: Evidence From Multibeam Bathymetry and Seismic Reflection Survey off Boumerdes, Eos Trans. AGU, 89(53), Fall Meet. Suppl., Abstract T33C-2082, San Francisco, USA, 2008. Abstract
SUC, CLAUZON, G., BACHE, F., CORNEE, J.J., DÉVERCHÈRE, J., EL KOUNDY, N.E.E, LERICOLAIS, G, LOFI, J., MELINTE-DOBRINESCU, M.C., POPESCU, S.M., RUBINO, J.L. and SAGE, F., The latest Miocene – earliest Pliocene Mediterranean mega-cycle in sea-level, 33rd International Geological Congress, 6-14 august, Oslo, Norway, 2008.
2007 (23)
ALBARIC, J., DEVERCHERE, J., DESCHAMPS, A., WAMBURA FERDINAND, R., PERROT, J., SUE, C., TIBERI, C., PETIT, C., SONGO, M., LE GALL, B., SEISMO-TANZ’07: A dense seismological broadband network for a seismotectonic and structural study of the North Tanzanian Divergence, 26th ECGS Workshop on Active Volcanism and Continental Rifting, Luxembourg, November 19-21, 2007.
BABONNEAU, N., CATTANEO, A., HARSTER, M., DÉVERCHÈRE, J., YELLES, K., SAVOYE, B., DOMZIG, A., Morphology and Structure of the Algiers Deep-Sea Fan and Possible Sedimentary Record of the 2003 Boumerdès Earthquake (Poster), AGU meeting, San Francisco, Dec. 2007.
BABONNEAU, N., CATTANEO, A., DÉVERCHÈRE, J., SAVOYE, B., DAN, G., DOMZIG, A., GAULLIER, V., GIRESSE, P., DJADID, F., MATOUGUI R., MERCIER DE LÉPINAY, B., PAUC H., YELLES, K., Sedimentological imprint of past earthquakes in the central Algerian margin from slump and turbidite record (Maradja Project), XXIV Assembly of IUGG Perugia Italy July 2-13, Session JSS002 (Poster), 2007.
BABONNEAU, N., CATTANEO, A., HARSTER, M., YELLES, K., SAVOYE, B., DEVERCHERE, J., Activité turbiditique récente au large d’Alger : Morpho-bathymétrie de l’éventail d’Alger et enregistrement sédimentaire du séisme de Boumerdès (2003), 11ème Congrès Français de Sédimentologie (ASF), 23-25 octobre, Livre des Résumés, Publ. ASF n°57 (358 p.), p. 240, Caen, France, 2007.
DAN, G., SAVOYE, B., SULTAN, N., CATTANEO, A., GAULLIER, V., DÉVERCHÈRE, J., YELLES, K., & the MARADJA2 Team, Characterization of earthquake-induced landslides from swath bathymetry, sediment cores and high resolution side-scan sonar images (Algiers area, Algerian margin, SW Mediterranean), EGU General Assembly 2007, Vienna, Austria, 15 - 20 April, Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 9, 08957, SRef-ID: 1607-7962/gra/EGU2007-A-08957, 2007.
DESCHAMPS, A., DÉVERCHÈRE, J., MORDVINOVA, V., DUGARMA, T., TIBERI, C., MUNKHUU, U., PERROT, J., APPRIOU, D., BARRUOL, G., Lithospheric structure along a profile from Baikal to Gobi-Altay, 50th anniversary earthquake conference commemorating the 1957 Gobi-Altay earthquake, July 25-27, Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia.
DEVERCHERE, J., ALBARIC, J., SUE, C., PERROT, J., DESCHAMPS, A., PETIT, C., TIBERI, C., SONGO, M., WAMBURA, R., The North Tanzania Divergence (East-African rift): Tectonics, structures, and processes, DRT Meeting (Deformation, Mechanism, Rheology and Tectonics (Poster), Milan, September 27- October 2, 2007.
DEVERCHERE, J., YELLES, K., DOMZIG, A., MERCIER DE LEPINAY, B., CATTANEO, A., GAULLIER, V., KHERROUBI, A., 2007. Overall tectonic pattern of the Algerian margin: evidences for active folding and thrusting from the 2003 and 2005 Maradja cruises. CIESM 38ème congrès, avril 2007, Istanbul, Turquie. Rapp. Comm. int. Mer Médit., 38 p. 82. PDF
DEVERCHERE, J., YELLES, K., and the MARADJA Scientific Party, Offshore evidence for contractional tectonic reactivation of the north Africa margin, Western Mediterranean Sea, and geodynamic implications, MAPG Meeting, Marrakech, Morocco, October 2007.
DEVERCHERE, J., YELLES, K., and the MARADJA Scientific Party, Campagnes scientifiques MARADJA 1 & 2-SAMRA (2003-2005): Des données, des résultats, des perspectives, colloque SONATRACH, Boumerdès, Algérie, 8-9 décembre 2007.
DOMZIG, A., DÉVERCHÈRE, J., YELLES, K., GOVERS, R., WORTEL, R., PETIT, C., CATTANEO, A., KHERROUBI, A., & the MARADJA Scientific teams, The Algerian Margin: an Example of a Reactivation in Compression of a Complex Cenozoic Passive Margin, AGU meeting, San Francisco, Dec. 2007.
DOMZIG, A., GAULLIER, V., GIRESSE, P., PAUC, H., SAVOYE, B., DEVERCHERE, J., YELLES, K., Les processus sédimentaires le long de la marge ouest-algérienne (Oran-Ténès), Méditerranée occidentale, par cartographie des écho-faciès, 11ème Congrès Français de Sédimentologie (ASF), 23-25 octobre, Livre des Résumés, Publ. ASF n°57 (358 p.), p. 97, Caen, France, 2007.
DOMZIG, A., and the MARADJA2 team, 2007. Overall tectonic pattern of the Algerian margin: Evidence for active folding and thrusting from the 2003 and 2005 Maradja cruises, 38th CIESM Congress, Istanbul, 9-13 April (abstract, talk), 2007.
GAULLIER, V., VENDEVILLE, B. C., DEVERCHERE, J., DROZ, L., DOMZIG, A., YELLES, K., AND THE MARADJA and PROGRES Scientific Parties, Role of thick-skinned tectonics on thin-skinned salt tectonics in the western Mediterranean: a comparison between the Algerian and North-Balearic basins, Third ILP Meeting, First MAPG International Convention, Conference & Exhibition, Marrakech, Morocco, October 28-31 (abstract, talk), 2007.
GAULLIER, V., LONCKE, L., VENDEVILLE, B., DEVERCHERE, J., DROZ, L., OBONE ZUE OBAME, E.M., MASCLE, J., Salt tectonics in the deep Mediterranean : indirect clues for understanding the Messinian Salinity Crisis, In CIESM 2008, The Messinian Salinity Crisis from mega-deposits to microbiology – A consensus report, CIESM Workshop, Almeria, Spain, 7 - 10 November 2007 - Monographs (F. Briand, Ed.), 33, 168 pp., Monaco, 91-96, 2008.
GAULLIER, V., DOMZIG, A., DEVERCHERE, J., DROZ, L., YELLES, K., VENDEVILLE, B.C., Role of thick-skinned tectonics on thin-skinned gravitational deformation in the western Mediterranean: A comparison between the Algerian and North-Balearic basins, 11ème Congrès Français de Sédimentologie (ASF), 23-25 octobre, Livre des Résumés, Publ. ASF n°57 (358 p.), p.138, Caen, France, 2007.
KHERROUBI, A., DÉVERCHÈRE, J., YELLES, A.K., MERCIER DE LÉPINAY, B., DOMZIG, A., CATTANEO, A., BRACÈNE, R., GRAINDORGE, D., GAULLIER, V., New evidences for recent uplift, thrusting and folding offshore easternmost Algeria (Poster), EGU General Assembly 2007, Vienna, Austria, 15 - 20 April, Geophysical Research Abstracts (GRA CD-Rom), Volume 9, 10708, 2007, SRef-ID: 1607-7962/gra/EGU2007-A-10708, 2007.
KHERROUBI, A., DÉVERCHÈRE, J., YELLES, A.K., MERCIER LEPINAY, B., DOMZIG, A., GRAINDORGE, D., BRACÈNE, R., CATTANEO, A., GAULLIER, V., New evidence for active deformation off the Annaba region (easternmost part of the Algerian margin): Estimates of Quaternary shortening and slip rates from folding analyses (Poster), AGU meeting, San Francisco, Dec. 2007.
PAUC, H., GIRESSE, P., BABONNEAU, N., CATTANEO, A., DEVERCHERE, J., Enregistrement sédimentaire des instabilités gravitaires sur les pentes de la marge orientale de l’Algérie, 11ème Congrès Français de Sédimentologie (ASF), 23-25 octobre, Livre des Résumés, Publ. ASF n°57 (358 p.), p. 240, Caen, France, 2007.
PETIT, C., DEVERCHERE, J., The Baikal rift deep structure and evolution: insights from gravity, thermal and topography modelling, EGU General Assembly, 15-20 April, Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 9, 08686, 2007, SRef-ID: 1607-7962/gra/EGU2007-A-08686, Vienna, Austria, 2007.
YELLES, A.K., DÉVERCHÈRE, J., DOMZIG, A., BRACÈNE, R., MERCIER DE LÉPINAY, B., BOUDIAF, A., KHERROUBI, A., GRAINDORGE, D., BERTRAND, G., WINTER, T., New evidences for offshore recent tectonic activity near Algiers: the Khayr-Al-Din bank, Algeria, EGU General Assembly, 15 - 20 April, Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 9, 08465, 2007, SRef-ID: 1607-7962/gra/EGU2007-A-08465, Vienna, Austria, 2007.
YELLES, A.K., DÉVERCHÈRE, J., DOMZIG, A., MERCIER DE LEPINAY, B., BABONNEAU, N., HÉBERT, H., ROGER, J., KHERROUBI, A., GRAINDORGE, D., BRACÈNE, R., CATTANEO, A., GAULLIER, V., SAVOYE, B., LE ROY, P., AIT OUALI, R., the tsunami of Djidjelli (Eastern Algeria) of August 21-22, 1856: Seismotectonic context and its modelling, XXIV Assembly of IUGG, July 2-13 July, Session JSS002 (Poster), Perugia Italy, 2007.
2006 (6)
DEVERCHERE, J., and the MARADJA team, 2006. An overview of the tectonic and sedimentary patterns off Algeria, ESF EUROMARGINS Conference, Third ESF Meeting for Life and Environmental Sciences (LESC), CNR, Bologna, Italia, 4-7 october (abstract, talk).
DOMZIG A., PETIT C., DEVERCHERE J., YELLES K., Dynamics of the deforming Algerian margin: constraints from flexural gravity modelling, Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 8, 07772, 2006, SRef-ID: 1607-7962/gra/EGU06-A-07772.
DOMZIG A., GAULLIER, V., GIRESSE, P., PAUC, H., DEVERCHERE, J., YELLES, K., Role of tectonics in deposition processes along the western Algerian margin (Oran-Tenes) from echo-character mapping, Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 8, 04793, 2006, SRef-ID: 1607-7962/gra/EGU06-A-04793.
GAULLIER V., CATTANEO A., DOMZIG A., DEVERCHERE J., YELLES K., MERCIER DE LEPINAY B., KHERROUBI A., GRAINDORGE D., BRACENE R., 2006. Submarine mass movements on the eastern Algerian margin : preliminary results from the MARADJA 2 Leg 2 cruise (2005)(Poster). Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 8, 08833, 2006, SRef-ID: 1607-7962/gra/EGU06-A-08833.
GAULLIER V., VENDEVILLE, B. HUGUEN C., DEVERCHERE J., DROZ L., DOMZIG, A., OBONE ZUE, E., YELLES, K., and the MARADJA and PROGRES Scientific Parties, Role of thick-skinned tectonics on thin-skinned salt tectonics in the western Mediterranean : a comparison between the Algerian and North-Balearic basins, Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 8, 06030, 2006, SRef-ID: 1607-7962/gra/EGU06-A-06030.
GIRESSE P., PAUC H., SAVOYE B., DAN G., DEVERCHERE J., GAULLIER V., and the MARADJA Team, Sediment accumulation rates and gravity-induced processes evidenced offshore Algeria from coring results (MARADJA cruise), Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 8, 08833, 2006, SRef-ID: 1607-7962/gra/EGU06-A-06088.
2005 (9)
DAN G., SAVOYE B., CATTANEO A., GAULLIER V., GIRESSE P., PAUC H., DOMZIG A., DEVERCHERE J., and YELLES K., 2005. Morphologie de la marge algérienne : interaction entre la tectonique et les phénomènes gravitaires. 10ème Congrès Français de Sédimentologie (ASF), Presqu’île de Giens, 11-13 octobre 2005, Livre des résumés, p.74.
DOMZIG, A., YELLES K., DEVERCHERE J., BOUILLIN J-P., and the MARADJA Team, 2005. From Alboran to Algerian margins: Geology and active faults (Maradja Cruise), PICASSO-EUROARRAY Workshop (Poster), Granada, Spain, June 27-28.
DOMZIG, A., LE ROY, C., YELLES, K., BOUILLIN, J.P., DEVERCHERE, J., BRACENE, R., MERCIER DE LEPINAY, B., and the MARADJA Team, 2005. Geological limits evidenced offshore Algeria from new swath bathymetry and seismic data (MARADJA cruise). EGU General Assembly, Vienna, Austria, 24 - 29 April, Geophysical Research Abstracts (CD-Rom), Volume 7, ISSN : 1029-7006, Abstract Number : EGU05-A-03372.
GIRESSE, P., and the MARADJA team (including DEVERCHERE J.), 2005. Sediment accumulation rates and gravity-induced processes evidenced offshore Algerian from coring results (MARADJA cruise). EGU General Assembly, Vienna, Austria, 24 - 29 April, Geophysical Research Abstracts (CD-Rom), Volume 7, ISSN : 1029-7006, Abstract Number : EGU05-A-07849.
LARROQUE, C., COURBOULEX, F., DELOUIS, B., DEVERCHERE, J., 2005. Aléa sismique à la jonction Alpes-Bassin Ligure : où sera le prochain séisme de 1887 ? Colloque, Marseille.
SAVOYE, B., CATTANEO A., DAN G., DEVERCHERE J., et GAULLIER V., 2005. Examen des ruptures de câbles observées au large d’Alger lors du séisme de Bourmerdes en mai 2003. 10ème Congrès Français de Sédimentologie (ASF), Presqu’île de Giens, 11-13 octobre 2005, Livre des résumés, p. 271.
YELLES, A.K., DEVERCHERE J, BOUDIAF A., and the Maradja Team, 2005. Le séisme de Boumerdes du 21 Mai 2003 (Résultats de la campagne Maradja), 2005. Journée postsismique sur le séisme de Boumerdès, Boumerdès, Algérie, 22 Mai 2005.
2003-2004 (14)
ARROUCAU, P., PERROT, J., DEVERCHERE, J., MOCQUET, A., MAZABRAUD, Y., 2003. Aftershocks of the 2002, September 30th, Mw 4.3 earthquake in Southern Brittany, France, and their tectonic significance. Geophysical Research Abstracts, EGU, Nice, France, April 2003.
DAN, G., and the MARADJA Scientific Party (including DEVERCHERE J.), 2004. Links between tectonic and sedimentary processes on the Algerian slope and basin from high-resolution seismics and swath bathymetry, ESF EUROMARGINS Conference, ESF Standing Committee for Life and Environmental Sciences (LESC), Palau de les Heures, Barcelona, Spain, 11-14 November (abstract, talk).
DEVERCHERE J., YELLES K., MERCIER DE LEPINAY B., BOUILLIN J.P., GAULLIER V., PAUC H., SAVOYE B., CALAIS E., DOMZIG A., LE ROY P., BRACENE R., et KHERROUBI A., 2004. Premier examen détaillé de la morphologie et de la structure superficielle sous-marine de la marge Ouest-Algérienne: Campagne Maradja, 37th CIESM Congress, 7-11 June 2004, Barcelona, Spain, Rapp. Comm. Int. Mer Médit., 37, p. 21.
DEVERCHERE J., YELLES K., BOUILLIN J.P., MERCIER DE LEPINAY B., DOMZIG A., BRACENE R., SAVOYE B., DAN G., GAULLIER V., PAUC H., LE ROY P., KHERROUBI A., CALAIS E., et SAGE F., 2004. Résultats principaux de la campagne MARADJA 2003 et projets scientifiques sur la marge algérienne, Séminaire de la Sonatrach, Division Recherche et Développement, 11-12 mai 2004, Boumerdès, Algérie.
DEVERCHERE J., et l’Equipe Scientifique MARADJA, 2004. Premier schéma structural de la déformation active de la marge algérienne dans le secteur du séisme du 21 mai 2003 de Boumerdès et la région d’Alger, Journée Scientifique de la section "Sismologie et physique de l'intérieur de la Terre" du Comité National Français de Géodésie et de Géophysique (CNFGG), « Risque sismique dans l’Ouest Méditerranéen », Institut de Physique du Globe de Paris, 8 janvier 2004.
DEVERCHERE J., YELLES K., & the MARADJA Scientific Party, 2004. Active thrust faulting offshore Boumerdes, Algeria, and its relations to the 2003 Mw 6.9 earthquake, ESF EUROMARGINS Conference, ESF Standing Committee for Life and Environmental Sciences (LESC), Palau de les Heures, Barcelona, Spain, 11-14 November (abstract, talk).
DEVERCHERE J., YELLES K., CALAIS E., and the MARADJA Scientific Party (Bouillin J-P., Bracène R., Gaullier V., Kherroubi A., Mercier de Lépinay B., Le Roy P., Pauc H., Savoye B.), 2003. Active deformation along the Algerian margin (MARADJA cruise): framework of the May 21, 2003, Mw-6.8 Boumerdes earthquake. AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, USA, 8-12 Décembre 2003.
DOMZIG, A., YELLES K., DEVERCHERE J., and the MARADJA Team, 2004. New, active faults revealed off Algiers area (Boumerdes and Khair-Al-Din) from seismic and swath bathymetric data (MARADJA 2003 cruise). EGU First General Assembly, Nice, France, 25 - 30 April, Geophysical Research Abstracts (CD-Rom), Volume 6, ISSN : 1029-7006, Abstract Number : EGU04-A-04252.
GAULLIER V., ADROHER S., SAGE F., and the MAURESC Scientific Party (including DEVERCHERE J.), The sedimentary consequences of the Messinian Salinity Crisis on the Provençal margin, northwestern Mediterranean: Preliminary results from the MaURESC Cruise, 4th International Congress on Environment and Identity in the Mediterranean (The Messinian Salinity Crisis revisited), 19-25 July 2004, Corte, France (Poster).
GAULLIER V., SAVOYE B., DOMZIG A., DEVERCHERE J., DAN G., and the MARADJA Team (Bouillin J-P., Bracene R., Calais E., Kherroubi A., Mercier de Lépinay B., Le Roy P., Pauc H., Savoye B., Yelles A. K.), 2004. Depositional patterns off Algeria from echo-character mapping (MARADJA 2003 cruise): possible links with the recent and historical earthquakes. 37th CIESM Congress, 7-11 June, Barcelona, Spain (Poster), Rapp. Comm. Int. Mer Médit., 37, p. 32.
GAULLIER V., SAVOYE B., DOMZIG A., DEVERCHERE J., and the MARADJA Scientific Party, 2004. Depositional patterns off Algeria from echo-character mapping (MARADJA 2003 cruise): Possible links with the recent and historical earthquakes. EGU First General Assembly, Nice, France, 25 - 30 April, Geophysical Research Abstracts (CD-Rom), Volume 6, ISSN : 1029-7006, Abstract #EGU04-A-06232.
GAULLIER V., DEVERCHERE J., BOUILLIN J-P., BRACENE R., CALAIS E., KHERROUBI A., MERCIER DE LEPINAY B., LE ROY P., PAUC H., SAVOYE B., YELLES K., Combined Salt-Related Thin-Skinned Tectonics and Crustal Tectonics in the Algerian Deep Waters (SW Mediterranean): Evidence from the MARADJA Research Cruise, 2004 AAPG Annual Meeting, April 18-21, 2004, Dallas Texas, Abstract #90026. Abstract
GIRESSE P., and the MARADJA Team (including DEVERCHERE J.), 2004. Gravity-induced transport on the Algerian margin. EGU First General Assembly, Nice, France, 25 - 30 April, Geophysical Research Abstracts (CD-Rom), Volume 6, ISSN : 1029-7006, Abstract Number : EGU04-A-06793.
GORINI C., BACHE F., DOS REIS A.T., LOFI J., GUENNOC P., OLIVET J-L., BERNE S., RABINEAU M., MAUFFRET A., and the SESAME Team (including DEVERCHERE J.), The late Messinian Salinity Crisis and late Miocene tectonism: Interaction - Consequences on the physiography and post-rift evolution of the Gulf of Lions margin, 4th International Congress on Environment and Identity in the Mediterranean (The Messinian Salinity Crisis revisited), 19-25 July 2004, Corte, France.
GIRESSE P., PAUC H., DEVERCHERE J., SAVOYE B., and the MARADJA scientific party, Gravity-induced transport on the Algerian margin, EGU 1st meeting, Nice, France, 25-30 april 2004.
LOUKHNEV A. V., CALAIS E., MIROSHNICHENKO A. I, VERGNOLLE M., and DEVERCHERE J., Strain Rates In The Baikal Rift From GPS Measurements, Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 5, 08309, EGS-AGU-EUG Joint Assembly, Nice, France, 06 - 11 April 2003.
MAILLARD A., GORINI C., and the SESAME Group (including DEVERCHERE J.), Evidences for erosional episodes and "Lago-Mare" type environment in the Messinian units of the Valencia trough, 4th International Congress on Environment and Identity in the Mediterranean (The Messinian Salinity Crisis revisited), 19-25 July 2004, Corte, France (Poster).
SAVOYE B. , SAGE F., REHAULT J-P., ROHAIS S., BEAUDELOT C., and the SESAME Team (including DEVERCHERE J.), The Messinian detrital bodies: Confrontation of seismic and diving data offshore Monaco and Cannes, NW Ligurian sea (northwestern Mediterranean), 4th International Congress on Environment and Identity in the Mediterranean (The Messinian Salinity Crisis revisited), 19-25 July 2004, Corte, France (Poster).
VALLEE, M., DELOUIS B., DESCHAMPS A., DEVERCHERE J., YELLES K, HELLO Y., and CALAIS E., 2003. Rupture process of the Mw=6.9 Boumerdès (Algeria) earthquake of May 21, 2003 from seismological data. AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, USA, 8-12 December 2003.
YELLES A.K., DEVERCHERE J., DJELLIT H., KHERROUBI A., LAMMALI K., BELDJOUDI H., SEMMANE F., MAHSASA A., and the Maradja team, 2004. The Boumerdes earthquake of May 21, 2003, Mw 6.8 (Maradja survey), European Seismological Commission (ESC), XXIX General Assembly, Potsdam, Germany, 12-17 September 2004.
2001-2002 (14)
CHEMENDA A., DEVERCHERE J., et CALAIS E., 3-D laboratory modeling of rifting: Application to the Baikal rift, E.G.S. XXVII General Assembly, Nice, France, avril 2002.
COURBOULEX, C. et al., Preliminary results of the SALAM (Sismologie et Aleas dans les Alpes Maritimes), experiment, E.G.S. XXVI General Assembly, Nice, France, mars 2001.
DELOUIS B., DEVERCHERE J., MELNIKOVA V., RADZIMINOVITCH N., LONCKE L., LARROQUE C., et SANKOV V., A reappraisal of the source of the 1950 (Mw 6.9) Mondy earthquake, Siberia, and its relevance to the present-day strain pattern at the southwestern end of the Baikal Rift zone,, E.G.S. XXVII General Assembly, Nice, France, avril 2002.
DEVERCHERE, J., BESLIER M-O, and ROLLET N., New insights on the Ligurian Sea structure and evolution from a synthesis of geophysical data, Congrès CIESM, Monaco, 27 septembre 2001.
DEVERCHERE J., BESLIER M-O., ROLLET N., GUENNOC P., TRUFFERT C., SOSSON M., REHAULT J-P., et CLAUZON G., About several interests of a very deep drilling in the Ligurian sea: Deep structure of the crust and mantle, nascent subduction, and witnesses of the Messinian Salinity Crisis, Workshop on "Ultradeep drilling in the Mediterranean region: Discussing possible targets and strategies onshore and offshore", conveners L. Jolivet and I. Moretti, S.G.F., Paris, 25-26 mars 2002.
PETIT, C., J. DEVERCHERE and E. CALAIS, Role of mantle dynamics in topography genesis of Mongolia: Constraints from gravity modeling, E.G.S. XXVI General Assembly, Nice, France, mars 2001.
PETIT, C., J. DEVERCHERE, N. GILEVA, N. RADZIMINOVICH, N. MELNIKOVA, and V. SANKOV, Depth distribution of earthquakes in the Baikal rift and the rheology of the lithosphere, E.G.S. XXVI General Assembly, Nice, France, mars 2001.
SAGE F., DEVERCHERE J., LE FUR H., GAULLIER V., et THIERER P., Impact de la crise de salinité messinienne – Exemple de la marge Ligure (région de Nice) – Rôles respectifs du sel et de la tectonique, Colloque Quadriennal de restitution du CIRMED, Banyuls-Sur-Mer, 15-16 janvier 2002, p. 28-29.
SAGE F., DEVERCHERE J., Group SESAME, and BIGOT-CORMIER F., The sedimentary markers of the Messinian Crisis around the Ligurian basin, Western Mediterranean, E.G.S. XXVII General Assembly, Nice, France, avril 2002.
THIERER, P., J. DEVERCHERE, F. SAGE-KHADIR, and F. BIGOT-CORMIER, How to distinguish effects of migrating salt and compressional tectonics? Invsetigations along the main normal fault at the north Ligurian margin, SE France, E.G.S. XXVI General Assembly, Nice, France, mars 2001.
TIBERI, C., M. DIAMENT, J. DEVERCHERE, V. MIKHAILKOV, C. PETIT-MARIANI, and U. ACHAUER, Insights Into Baikal Rift Lithospheric Structures From Joint Gravity and Tomography Study, Eos Trans. AGU, 82(47), Fall Meet. Suppl., Abstract T42A-0923, décembre 2001.
VERGNOLLE M., E. CALAIS, J. DEVERCHERE, V. SAN'KOV, A. LOUKHNEV, A. MIROSHNICHENKO, and S. AMARJARGAL, Crustal Deformation in Central Asia From GPS Measurements, 1994-2002, Eos Trans. AGU, 83(47), Fall Meet. Suppl., Abstract G12C-02, décembre 2002.
VERGNOLLE, M., E. CALAIS, J. DEVERCHERE, V. SAN'KOV, A. LOUKHNEV, A. MIROSHNICHENKO, V. BUDDO, K. LEVI, and S. AMARJARGAL, Are post-seismic effects of the M 8.4 Bolnay earthquake still influencing GPS velocities in the Mongolia-Baikal area?, E.G.S. XXVI General Assembly, Nice, France, mars 2001.
VON GRONEFELD G., SAGE F., DEVERCHERE J., and Group SESAME, Effects of the Messinian Salinity Crisis in the Western Sardinian margin sedimentation, E.G.S. XXVII General Assembly, Nice, France, avril 2002.
2000 (9)
CALAIS, E., M. VERGNOLLE, O. LESNE, J. DEVERCHERE, V. SANKOV, A. LUKHNEV, A. MIROSHNITCHENKO, Y. BASHKUEV, V. ZALUTZKY, et B. AMARJAGAL, Crustal deformation in Asia: New constraints from GPS measurements in the Mongolia-Baikal area, American Geophysical Union, Fall meeting, San Francisco, Décembre 2000.
DEVERCHERE, J., V. MELNIKOVA, E. JACQUES, A. SCHLUPP, L. LONCKE, N. RADZIMINOVICH, C. PETIT, et V. SANKOV, Stress changes 60 years after the 1905 Mw=8.0 and Mw=8.4 earthquakes in Mongolia, E.G.S. XXV General Assembly, Nice, France, Avril 2000.
DEVERCHERE, J., C. LARROQUE, N. BETHOUX, F. COURBOULEX, A. DESCHAMPS, A. ANGLADE, et A. MOREAU, Active deformation at the southerneastmost France: Some recent results and strategies at sea and on land, International Symposium on "DYNAMIC EVOLUTION OF ACTIVE FAULTING IN THE MEDITERRANEAN REGION" to commemorate the 20th Anniversary of the El Asnam Earthquake and the 20th Anniversary of the CRAAG, Alger, Algérie, 9-11 octobre 2000.
DEVERCHERE, J., N. RADZIMINOVITCH, E. CALAIS, A. DESCHAMPS, V. MELNIKOVA, C. PETIT, and V. SANKOV, Seismicity of Baikal rift and central Mongolia: Seismic potential, identification of seismogenic thickness and segments, seek for crustal structures, International Geophysical Conference on SEISMOLOGY IN SIBERIA AT THE MILLENIUM BOUNDARY (the state, problems and perspectives), Novosibirsk, September 27 - 29, 2000.
LARROQUE, C., RITZ, J.F., J.F. STEPHAN, V. SANKOV, A. ARJANNIKOVA, E. CALAIS, J. DEVERCHERE, ET L. LONCKE, Interaction ou compétition entre compression et extension à la limite Mongolie-Sibérie : données morphotectoniques sur le bassin de Tunka (Ouest-Baïkal, Russie), R.ST2000, La Villette, Paris, 17-20 Avril 2000.
LESNE, O., E. CALAIS, J. DEVERCHERE, V. SANKOV, A. LUKHNEV, A. MIROSHNITCHENKO, Y. BASHKUEV, V. ZALUTZKY, et B. AMARJAGAL, Mechanisms of deformation in Asia: New constraints from GPS measurements in the Mongolia-Baikal area and numerical deformation models, Session on "Intra-continental effects of the Indo-Eurasian collision", Geoscience 2000 Conference, Manchester, England, 17-20 Avril 2000.
PETIT, C., et J. DEVERCHERE, How are Mongolia and Baikal rift deforming? A view from gravity modelling and seismotectonics, Session on "Intra-continental effects of the Indo-Eurasian collision", Geoscience 2000 Conference, Manchester, England, 17-20 April 2000.
PETIT, C., J. DEVERCHERE et E. CALAIS, Structure et dynamique de la lithosphère en Mongolie: Tectonique active et/ou phénomènes mantelliques, R.ST2000, La Villette, Paris, 17-20 Avril 2000.
RITZ, J.F., C. LARROQUE, J.F. STEPHAN, V. SANKOV, A. ARJANNIKOVA, E. CALAIS, J. DEVERCHERE, ET L. LONCKE, When compression meets extension: interaction or competition ? The example of the Tunka basin (West Baikal, Siberia), Session on "Intra-continental effects of the Indo-Eurasian collision", Geoscience 2000 Conference, Manchester, England, 17-20 April 2000.
1999 (8)
CALAIS, E., O. LESNE, J. DEVERCHERE, V. SANKOV, A. LUKHNEV, A. MIROSHNITCHENKO, K. LEVI, V. BUDDO, V. ZALUTZKY, Y. BASHKUEV, B. AMARJAGAL et B. BEKTHUR, Active deformation in the Baikal rift zone and Mongolia from GPS measurements, European Union of Geosciences meeting, Strasbourg, mars 1999.
CALAIS, E., O. LESNE, J. DEVERCHERE, K. LEVI, V. SANKOV, A. LUKHNEV, A. MIROSHNITCHENKO, V. BUDDO, V. ZALUTZKY, Y. BASHKUEV, et B. AMARJAGAL, Active deformation in Central Asia (Baikal rift zone and Mongolia) from GPS measurements and numerical deformation models, GPS’99 conference, Tsukuba, Japon, octobre 1999.
DEVERCHERE, J., V.A SAN’KOV., C. PETIT, et K.G. LEVI, From dip-slip to oblique rifting : the Baikal rift example, E.G.S. XXIV General Assembly of the EGS, The Hague, The Netherlands, 19-23 Avril 1999.
DEVERCHERE, J., E. CALAIS, O. LESNE , C. PETIT, A. CHEMENDA, N. RADZIMINOVICH, V. SANKOV, et V. MELNIKOVA, Naissance des marges passives : Ce que nous apprend un rift actuel, le Baïkal, Séance spécialisée de la Société Géologique de France, Villefranche/Mer, 15-17 novembre 1999.
DEVERCHERE, J., E. CALAIS, C. PETIT, O. LESNE, V. SANKOV, V. MELNIKOVA, N. RADZIMINOVICH, A. LUKHNEV, A. MIROSHNITCHENKO, K. LEVI, V. BUDDO, V. ZALUTZKY, et Y. BASHKUEV, A review of processes responsible for the opening of the Baikal rift from multisource and recent data, IGCP Project 400 Third Annual International Meeting on Rifting in intracontinental setting : Baikal rift system and other continental rifts, Irkoutsk, Russie, 22-30 Août 1999.
LARROQUE, Ch., E. CALAIS, J. DEVERCHERE, O. LESNE, V. SANKOV, A. LUKHNEV, A. MIROSHNITCHENKO, K. LEVI, V. BUDDO, V. ZALUTZKY, Y. BASHKUEV, et B. AMARJAGAL, Present-day deformation, stress field and faults segmentation in the Mongolia-Baikal area, Conférence sur l’imagerie satellitaire, Ulan-Bator, Mongolie, octobre 1999.
LESNE, O., E. CALAIS, et J. DEVERCHERE, Apports de la géodésie spatiale et de la modélisation numérique à la compréhension de la déchirure continentale : le rift Baïkal, Sibérie (Poster), Journées des Doctorants du Centre des Sciences de la Mer, Université Pierre et Marie Curie, Villefranche/Mer, 3-5 novembre 1999.
ROLLET N., BERTOTTI G., DEVERCHERE J., et BESLIER M.O., Thermo-mechanical modelling of the opening of the Ligurian basin, Mediterranean sea, E.G.S. XXIV General Assembly of the EGS, The Hague, The Netherlands, 19-23 Avril 1999.
ROLLET N., BESLIER M.O., DEVERCHERE J., SOSSON M., et GUENNOC P., Volcanisme et héritage tectonique en contexte arrière-arc: l'exemple du bassin Ligure, Séance spécialisée de la Société Géologique de France, Villefranche/Mer, 15-17 novembre 1999.
1998 (13)
DEVERCHERE, J., E. CALAIS, O. LESNE, C. PETIT, V.A. SAN’KOV, K.G. LEVI, A.V. LUKHNEV, A.I. Miroshnichenko, V.Y. Budo, V.I. Melnikova, V.T. Zalutsky et Y.B. Bashkuev, Contemporary geodynamics of Lake Baikal region, " Baikal as a world natural heritage site: results and prospects of international cooperation", Oulan-Oude, 9-12 Septembre, Russie, 1998.
GUENNOC, P., J.P. REHAULT, L. GILG-CAPAR, J. DEVERCHERE, N. ROLLET, et R. LE SUAVE, Les marges ouest et nord de la Corse: Nouvelle cartographie à 1/250 000, 17ème Réunion des Sciences de la Terre, 31 mars-3 avril, Brest, France, p. 124, 1998.
KOULAKOV, I.Yu., J. DEVERCHERE, et C. PETIT, Structure of the crust and upper mantle beneath the Baikal rift from teleseismic and local tomography, E.G.S. XXIII Assembly, Nice, April 20-24, France, EGS Newsletter 66, p. 77, 1998.
LESNE O., CALAIS E., DEVERCHERE J., HASSANI, R., et CHERY, J., Active deformation mechanisms in the Baikal rift zone using two-dimensional numerical models, E.G.S. XXIII Assembly, Nice, April 20-24, France, EGS Newsletter 66, p. 78, 1998.
LESNE O., CALAIS E., DEVERCHERE J., HASSANI, R., et CHERY, J., Active deformation mechanisms in the Baikal rift zone, Siberia, using GPS measurements and two-dimensional numerical models (Abstract), International Conference on " Active tectonic continental basins ", INTAS Project 134, Gent, April 30 - May 2, Belgium, p. 14, 1998.
LESNE O., CALAIS E., DEVERCHERE J., SAN’KOV V.A., LUKHNEV A.V., MIROSHNICHENKO A.I., et LEVI K.G., Active crustal deformation in the Baikal Rift Zone, Siberia, derived from GPS measurements, AGU meeting, San Francisco, USA, Décembre 1998.
LEVI K.G., V.A. SAN’KOV., E. CALAIS, J. DEVERCHERE, et O. LESNE, Strategy of research on recent geodynamics in the Mongolia-Baikal mobile belt using GPS geodesy (Abstract), International Conference on " Active tectonic continental basins ", INTAS Project 134, Gent, April 30 - May 2, Belgique, p. 90, 1998.
PETIT C., J. DEVERCHERE, et V.A. SAN’KOV, Comparaison des structures actives et de la flexure lithosphérique des rifts Baïkal et Est -Africain, 17ème Réunion des Sciences de la Terre, 1-4 Avril, Brest, France, 1998.
REHAULT, J.P., P. GUENNOC, J. DEVERCHERE, A. MAUFFRET, N. BETHOUX, M.O. BESLIER, I. CONTRUCCI, N. ROLLET, N. CHAMOT-ROOKE, et C. TRUFFERT, Deep and shallow structure of the NW Mediterranean: New insights on the Ligurian sea and margins, E.G.S. XXIII Assembly, Nice, April 20-24, France, EGS Newsletter 66, p. 79, 1998.
ROLLET N., J. DEVERCHERE, I. CONTRUCCI, et M.O. BESLIER, Marges et bassin liguro-provençal: Structure profonde et réactivation tectonique, Réunion des Sciences de la Terre, Brest, 31 mars-3 avril, p.43, 1998.
ROLLET N., BESLIER M.O., CONTRUCCI I., DEVERCHERE J., Conjugate margins of the Ligurian sea, northwestern Mediterranean: Deep structure and evolution, E.G.S. XXIII Assembly, Nice, April 20-24, France, EGS Newsletter 66, p. 115, 1998.
SAN’KOV V.A., MELNIKOVA V.I., LUKHNEV A.V., RADZIMINOVITCH N.A., Déverchère J., et PETIT C., Present-day stress and strain field, fault kinematics, and seismic quiescence zones in the Baikal rift system (Abstract), International Conference on " Active tectonic continental basins ", INTAS Project 134, Gent, April 30 - May 2, Belgique, p. 99, 1998.
SOSSON M., ROLLET N., DEVERCHERE J., New constraints on the Ligurian Sea formation and evolution, MAST Advanced study course "Insights on the formation and evolution of Mediterranean basins", July 6-24, 1998, Villefranche/Mer, France.
1996-1997 (9)
CALAIS E., DEVERCHERE J., LESNE, O., PETIT C., SAN’KOV V.A., LEVI K., et KOULAKOV I. Yu., Active tectonic processes in the Baikal rift from GPS measurements, seismotectonic analysis, gravity and deformation models, Proceedings of the IGCP Workshop on Lithospheric Structure, Evolution, and Sedimentation in Continental Rifts, Dublin, Dublin Institute for Advanced Studies, 20-22 mars 1997.
DEVERCHERE J., DESCHAMPS A., GAFFET S., BETHOUX N., LOUAT R. et EVA C., Deep sea-floor experiments in the Ligurian basin, Mediterranean sea: A synthesis, European Seismological Commission, XXV General Assembly, Reykjavik (Iceland), September 9-14, 1996.
DEVERCHERE J., BELLON H., BESLIER M-O., BETHOUX N., CONTRUCCI I. , DESCHAMPS A., EVA C., FERRANDINI J., FONTAINE C., GAFFET S., GUEGUEN E., GUENNOC P., JAKNI B., LANGE K., MORILLON A-C., POUPEAU G., REHAULT J-P., ROLLET N., ROSSI P., et SOSSON M., - 1996, Geodynamics of the Ligurian basin and margins, International Workshop on "The Mediterranean basins: Tertiary extension within the Alpine orogen", Univ. Cergy-Pontoise, 11-13 décembre 1996.
HOUDRY F., PETIT C., et DEVERCHERE J., Déformations actives de la lithosphère continentale dans le rift Baïkal: Une synthèse, 16ème Réunion des Sciences de la Terre, 10-12 Avril, Orléans, France, 1996.
LESNE O., CALAIS E., DEVERCHERE J., PETIT C., LEVI K. et SAN’KOV V., GPS measurements and numerical model of active deformation in the Baikal rift zone, Russia, EOS abstracts, A.G.U. Fall Meeting, 15-19 Décembre, San Francisco, Californie, p. 9, 1996.
LESNE O., CALAIS E., DEVERCHERE J., PETIT C., SAN’KOV V., et LEVI K Active deformation in Baikal rift zone, Siberia, from GPS measurements, seismo-tectonic analysis and finite element modeling, E.U.G. General Meeting, Strasbourg, France, 23-27 mars 1997.
NARDIN M., DIETRICH M., GLANGEAUD F., et DEVERCHERE J., Identification of a velocity gradient in a sedimentary layer from 3-component O.B.S. measurements, EAEG Meeting, Genève, Suisse, 26-30 mai 1997.
PETIT C. BUROV E.V., DEVERCHERE J., et DIAMENT M., Crust and upper mantle structure in the Baikal rift zone, Siberia, E.U.G. General Meeting, Strasbourg, France, 23-27 mars 1997.
ROLLET, N., BESLIER, M-O., DEVERCHERE, J., et NARDIN, M., Deep structures and their significance in the Ligurian basin, E.U.G. General Meeting, Strasbourg, France, 23-27 mars 1997.
1995 (8)
BESLIER M.O., DEVERCHERE J., REHAULT J.P., GUENNOC P., SOSSON M., AVEDIK F. et l'équipe Scientifique de la campagne MALIS, Structure profonde et asymétrique des marges en Mer Ligure : Résultats préliminaires de la campagne de sismique réflexion multitrace MALIS (1995), Séance Spéc. Soc. Géol. France, Géosciences Marines, Brest, 19 décembre, p.14, 1995.
GUENNOC P., REHAULT J.-P., BESLIER M.-O., SOSSON M., ROSSI P., POUPEAU G., FERRANDINI J., PAMPALONI M., VETUSCHI M., SAGET P., DAMBRICOURT F., ROLLET N., GLOAGUEN R., JAKNY B., DEVERCHERE J., LE SUAVE R. et BELLON H., Géologie des marges corses: campagne MARCO, Séance Spéc. Soc. Géol. France, Géosciences Marines, Brest, 18-19 décembre, p.36, 1995.
LANGE K., DEVERCHERE J., BETHOUX N., EVA C. et MAKRIS, J., Seismicity and deformation of the Ligurian sea, XX General Assembly E.G.S., 3-7 avril 1995, Hamburg, Germany, 1995.
LOUAT, R. et DEVERCHERE J., Background noise in deep oceans and near shoreline: insights from temporary ocean bottom experiments, In : Montagner J.P. (ed.), Lancelot Y. (ed.). Observatoires polyvalents sur le fond de la mer = Multidisciplinary observatories on the deep seafloor, International Workshop, INSU/CNRS, IFREMER, ODP (France), OSN, USSAC (USA), Marseille, p. 138-141, 11-13 Janvier 1995.
MAKRIS J., LANGE K., DEVERCHERE J., EVA C. et BETHOUX N. Seismicity and deformation of the Ligurian sea, Résumés Rapport du XXXIV congrès de la CIESM, vol. 34, 1995.
PETIT C., et DEVERCHERE J., Déformation fragile dans le rift Baïkal: Observation des structures actives et relations avec la sismicité, Séminaire, Sophia-Antipolis, 24 Février, 1995.
PETIT C., DEVERCHERE J., HOUDRY F., SAN’KOV V.A., MELNIKOVA V.I. et DELVAUX D., Present-day stress field evolution along the Baikal rift and tectonic implications, Symposium on uplift and deep structure of northern Tibet, 21-22 Septembre, La Grande-Motte, France, 1995.
PETIT C., DEVERCHERE J., HOUDRY F., SAN’KOV V.A., MELNIKOVA V.I. et DELVAUX D., Detailed analysis of the modern stress field along the Baikal rift and kinematic implications, EOS abstracts, AGU Fall Meeting, 11-15 Décembre, San Francisco, Californie, 1995.
1994 (12)
BUROV E.B., HOUDRY F., DIAMENT M., and DEVERCHERE J., - 1994, A broken plate beneath the North Baikal rift zone revealed by gravity modelling. XIX General Assembly E.G.S., Grenoble, 25-29 avril 1994.
DEVERCHERE J. et CALAIS E., - 1994, First Campain of Global Positioning System (GPS) in the Baikal Rift (Siberia). Rapport scientifique Interne, 28p.
DEVERCHERE J., DIAMENT M. et SEBRIER M., - 1994, Le seisme de Liwa (Sumatra, Indonesie) du 15 fevrier 1994. "Les Entretiens de Segur", Ministere de l'Environnement, 9 mai 1994, 39p.
EVA C., HEINRICH P., MASSINON B., DEVERCHERE J., EVA E. and FANUCCI F., - 1994, Evaluation of potential tsunami waves along the western ligurian coast: data and modelling. XIX General Assembly E.G.S., Grenoble, 25-29 avril 1994.
FONTAINE C., DEVERCHERE C., BETHOUX N., CATTANEO M., DESCHAMPS A., VIRIEUX J. and LANGE K. - 1994, SISBALIG II: a land-sea experiment to study the crustal structure of the northern ligurian margin. International School of Solid Earth Geophysics 10th course, Erice (italy), 27 aout - 3 sept. 1994, Seismic Modelling of the Earth's Structure.
FONTAINE C., DEVERCHERE J., BETHOUX N., CATTANEO M. and EVA C., - 1994, New insights on active deformation in the Ligurian sea. XIX General Assembly E.G.S., Grenoble, 25-29 avril 1994.
HARJONO H., WIDIWIJAYANTI C., HANDAYANI L., DEVERCHERE J., SEBRIER M., DIAMENT M. et al, - 1994, The 1994 Liwa Earthquake: A Preliminary Result of aftershocks Observation. Prosiding Tridasawarsa Puslitbang Geoteknologi LIPI, III, 62-65.
HOUDRY F., DEVERCHERE J., GAUDEMER Y., BUROV E.B. and SANKOV V.A., - 1994, Evidence for oblique extension in the Baikal Rift, Siberia, from multisource data. A.G.U., Fall Meeting, San Francisco (USA), 5-9 dec. 1994.
HOUDRY F. and DEVERCHERE J., - 1994, North Baikal rift: Scales of active deformation and evidences for high strengh of extended continental lithosphere. XIX General Assembly E.G.S., Grenoble, 25-29 avril 1994.
LE ROUX S., VANPE J.M., DEVERCHERE J., MAKRIS J and LANGE K. - 1994, Energetic contribution evaluation of the ocean bottom for long trnasmissions at low frequency. XIX General Assembly E.G.S., Grenoble, 25-29 avril 1994.
LE ROUX S., DIETRICH M., GLANGEAUD F., CHARVIS P., DEVERCHERE J. et OPERTO S., - 1994, Sea bottom effects at low seismic frequencies: observations and modelling. Oceans 94 OSATES, Brest, 13-16 septembre 1994.
PETIT C., DEVERCHERE J.,CALAIS E., DESCHAMPS A., LEVI K.G., SANKOV V.A., RUZHICH V.V., MIROSHNICHENKO A.I., SOLONENKO N.V. and PETUKHOV O., - 1994, Active tectonics, stress tensor analysis, and first GPS survey of the Southern Baikal rift. A.G.U., Fall Meeting, San Francisco (USA), p. 181, 5-9 dec. 1994, Poster.
1993 (7)
BETHOUX N., DEVERCHERE J., LANGE K, et al., - 1993, SISBALIG II: a sea-land experiment in Occidental mediterranean Sea. A.G.U., Fall Meeting, San Francisco, dec. 93, p. 444.
DEVERCHERE J. et al., - 1993, SISBALIG 2: campagne terre-mer par deploiement de stations terrestres et sous-marines en domaine ligure (Mediterranee Occidentale). Seance Spec. Soc. Geol. France, Paris, 16-17 dec. 1993.
DEVERCHERE J., CHAUMILLON E., REHAULT J.P., EVA E. et EVA C., - 1993, Modele de debut de convergence le long de la marge ligure franco-italienne sur la base de donnees de sismique-reflexion monotrace. Seance Spec. Soc. Geol. France, Paris, 16-17 dec. 1993.
HOUDRY F., GAUDEMER Y., SANKOV V. et DEVERCHERE J., - 1993, Vitesses de mouvements holocènes sur les failles du Nord-Est du rift Baikal. Workshop "Mesure de la deformation recente et actuelle", Chambery 18-19 mai 1993, Geologie Alpine, serie speciale Resumes et Colloques, n2, p.28.
HOUDRY F., GAUDEMER Y., SANKOV V. and DEVERCHERE J., - 1993, Geometry and rate of faulting during the Holocene in the North Baikal Rift zone. E.U.G. 7th Meeting, Strasbourg, 5-9 avril 1993, p.259.
LOUAT R., ZEN jr M.T., HELLO Y., DIAMENT M. et DEVERCHERE J., - 1993, Utilisation d'un reseau de stations sismologiques sous-marines dans le contexte de la subduction en Indonesie. Seance Spec. Soc. Geol. France, Paris, 16-17 d?c. 1993.
PETIT C., DEVERCHERE J. et CANSI Y., - 1993, La zone de rift Nord Baikal: mise en evidence de mouvements decrochants par l'etude de la sismicite. Seance Spec. Soc. Geol. France, Paris, 16-17 dec. 1993.
1991-1992 (8)
DAHRIN D. et al (dont J. DEVERCHERE et J. MALOD), - 1992, The deformation of the southern part of the Sumatra forearc in response to the oblique subduction. XVII General Assembly E.G.S., Edinburgh, 6-9 avril 1992, Annales Geophysicae, 10 (suppl. I), c73.
DEVERCHERE J., BETHOUX N., FONTAINE C., DESCHAMPS A., VIRIEUX, LANGE K., MAKRIS J., CATTANEO M., EVA C., FERRANDINI J., GAUTHIER A., CAMPILLO M., PAUL A., - 1992, SISBALIG II: A sea-land experiment in occideltal Mediterranean sea. A.G.U., Fall Meeting, San Francisco, dec. 92.
DEVERCHERE J., HOUDRY F., GAUDEMER Y., SOLONENKO N.V., SOLONENKO A.V. et SANKOV V.A., - 1992, Sismicite, failles actives et champ de contraintes de la zone Muya Nord, Rift Baikal: nouveaux resultats sur le comportement fragile d'une croute continentale. Dynamique et Bilan de la Terre, INSU 1-3 nov. 1992.
DEVERCHERE J., HOUDRY F., SOLONENKO A.V., SOLONENKO N.V. et DIAMENT M., - 1991, Seismicity and fault kinematics of en-echelon basins in the N-E Baikal rift and geodynamic implications. E.U.G. 6th Meeting, Strasbourg, Symp. 25, Terra Abstracts 3(1), 265.
DEVERCHERE J., HOUDRY F., SOLONENKO N.V., SOLONENKO A.V. and SANKOV V., - 1992, Brittle behaviour of continental crust: results from seismicity, active fault and stress field analysis in the eastern Baikal rift. A.G.U. Fall Meeting, San Francisco, Dec. 7-11, 1992, EOS Trans. 73(43).
HOUDRY F., DEVERCHERE J., SOLONENKO N.V., SOLONENKO A.V., SANKOV V., DIAMENT M. et GAUDEMER Y., - 1991, Failles actives au Nord-Est du rift du Baikal. Seance Spéc. Soc. Géol. France, "Failles: analyse et modélisation", Paris, 9-10 déc. 1991.
HOUDRY F., DEVERCHERE J., SOLONENKO A.V., SOLONENKO N.V., SANKOV V.A., GAUDEMER Y. and DIAMENT M., - 1991, Utilisation des images SPOT pour la reconnaissance des failles actives dans le Nord-Est du rift Baikal. Journees Tectoscope-positionnement, "Imagerie et structure de la terre" Paris, 24 octobre 1991.
LOUAT R., HARJONO H., DEVERCHERE J., DIAMENT M., HELLO Y., KARTA K., MALOD J. et ZEN M.T. JR, - 1992, New constraints on tectonics in the south Sumatra fore-arc. 10th anniversary of Indonesia-France joint cooperation on ocean technology and maritime Industry. Jakarta, 7-8 octobre 1992.
1990 (4)
BOILLOT G., BESLIER M.O. et DEVERCHERE J., - 1990, Identification du reflecteur S sous la marge de la Galice. Consequences geodynamiques (campagne LUSIGAL 90). Seance Spec. Soc. Geol. France, "Geodynamique des Bassins Oceaniques et des Marges Continentales", Nice Sophia-Antipolis, 6-7 dec. 1990.
DEVERCHERE J., SOLONENKO N.V., SOLONENKO A.V., DIAMENT M. and KOGAN M.G., - 1990, New insights on the strength of the lithosphere in the Baikal rift zone based on seismology and gravity. XV General Assembly E.G.S., 23-27 avril 1990, Copenhagen.
DEVERCHERE J., HOUDRY F., DIAMENT M. et SOLONENKO A.V., - 1990, Le rift du Lac Baikal: un dislocation continentale et ses particularites geodynamiques. Seance Spec. Soc. Geol. France, "Geodynamique des bassins oceaniques et des marges continentales", Nice Sophia-Antipolis, 6-7 dec. 1990.
DEVERCHERE J., BETHOUX N., HELLO Y., LOUAT R., EVA C., CALAIS E. et FEIGNIER B., - 1990, Etude du bassin Ligure par sismographes sous-marins (OBS): Campagne Sisbalig I. Seance Spec. Soc. Geol. France, "Geodynamique des bassins oceaniques et des marges continentales", Nice Sophia-Antipolis, 6-7 dec. 1990.
1987-1989 (2)
Déverchère J., - 1987, Microsismicité de la Cordillère Blanche (Ancash, Pérou). In : Laubacher Gérard (ed.), Vignard Gabriel (ed.). Géodynamique des Andes centrales : programme prévisionnel et résumés des communications. Paris : ORSTOM, 1987, p. 94-95. Géodynamique des Andes Centrales, 1987/01/14-16, Bondy, France.
Dorbath C., Dorbath L., Cisternas A., Déverchère J., Diament M., Ocola L., Morales M., - 1987, Premiers résultats sur la sismicité crustale de la Cordillère Orientale et de son piémont au Pérou central. In : Laubacher Gérard (ed.), Vignard Gabriel (ed.). Géodynamique des Andes centrales : programme prévisionnel et résumés des communications. Paris : ORSTOM, 1987, p. 99-101. Géodynamique des Andes Centrales, 1987/01/14-16, Bondy, France.