Déverchère J., Yelles K., Domzig A., Mercier de Lépinay B., Bouillin J-P., Gaullier V., Bracène R., Calais E., Savoye B., Kherroubi A., Le Roy P., Pauc H., Dan G. Active thrust faulting offshore Boumerdes, Algeria, and its relations to the 2003 Mw 6.9 earthquake . Geophysical Research Letters , 32, L04311, 2005 .
MEDIMAP Group (Loubrieu B., Mascle J., Marani M., Zitellini N., Canals M., Acosta J., Comas M., Gracia E., Berné S., Droz L., Déverchère J., Mouscardès P., Chamot-Rooke N., Le Pichon X., Yelles K.) Morpho-bathymetry of the Mediterranean Sea (Western Mediterranean, map at 1 / 2 000 000) . CIESM / IFREMER Spec. Publ., Atlases and Maps , ISBN 2-84433-147-5, 2005 .
Perrot J., Arroucau P., Guilbert J., Déverchère J., Mazabraud Y., Rolet J., Mocquet A., Mousseau M., Matias L. Analysis of the Mw 4.3 Lorient earthquake sequence: A multidisciplinary approach to the geodynamics of the Armorican Massif, westernmost France . Geophysical Journal International , 162, 935-960, 2005 .
Radziminovich N.A., Déverchère J., Melnikova V., Sankov V.A., Gilyova N. The 1999 Mw 6.0 earthquake sequence in the Southern Baikal rift, Asia, and its seismotectonic implications . Geophysical Journal International , 161, 387–400, 2005 .
Sage F., Von Gronefeld G., Déverchère J., Gaullier V., Maillard A., Gorini C. Seismic evidence for Messinian detrital deposits at the western Sardinia margin, Northwestern Mediterranean . Marine and Petroleum Geology , 22 (6-7), 757–773, 2005 .
Sankov V.A., Lukhnev A.V., Radziminovich N.A., Melnikova V.I., Miroshnichenko A.I., Ashurkov S.V., Calais E., Déverchère J., A quantitative estimate of modern deformations of the earth's crust in the Mongolian block (based on GPS-geodesy and seismotectonic data) . Doklady Earth Sciences, 403(6), 946-949, 2005 .
Arjannikova N., Larroque C., Ritz J-F., Déverchère J., Stéphan J-F., Arjannikov S., Sankov V. Geometry and kinematics of recent deformation in the Mondy-Tunka area (south-westernmost Baikal rift zone, Mongolia-Siberia) . Terra Nova , 16, 265-272, 2004 .
Bigot-Cormier F., Sage F., Sosson M., Déverchère J., Ferrandini M., Guennoc P., Popoff M., Stéphan J-F. Déformation Pliocène de la marge nord-Ligure (France): Les conséquences d'un chevauchement crustal sud-alpin . Bull. Soc. Géol. France , 175(2), 197-211, 2004 .
San'kov V., Chipizubov A., Lukhnev A., Smekalin O., Miroshnichenko A., Calais E., Déverchère J. Assessment of a large earthquake risk in the zone of Main Sayan Fault using GPS geodesy and paleoseismology Russian Geology and Geophysics , 45(11), 1369-1376, UDC 551.242.11(571.53/55), 2004 .
Calais E., Vergnolle M., Sankov V., Lukhnev A., Miroshnichenko A., Amarjargal S., Déverchère J. GPS measurements of crustal deformation in the Baikal-Mongolia area, 1994-2002: Implications for current kinematics of Asia . Journal of Geophysical Research , 108, No. B10, 2003 .
Lukhnev A.V., Sankov V.A., Miroshnichenko A., Levi K.G., Bashkuev Y.B., Dembelov M.G., Zalutsky V.T., Calais E., Déverchère J., Vergnolle M., Bekhtur B., Amarjargal S. New data on recent tectonic deformations in the South mountainous framing of the Siberian Platform . Doklady Earth Sciences , 389(2), 263-266, 2003 .
San'kov V. A., Lukhnev A.V., Miroshnichenko A., Levi K.G., Ashurkov V., Bashkuev Y.B., Dembelov M.G., Déverchère J., Vergnolle M., Bekhtur B., Amarjargal S. Present-day movements of the Earth's crust in the Mongol-Siberian region inferred from GPS geodetic data . Doklady Earth Sciences, 393(8), 1082-1085, 2003 .
Tiberi C., Diament M., Déverchère J., Petit C., Mikhailov V., Tikhotsky S., Achauer U. Deep structure of the Baikal rift zone revealed by joint inversion of gravity and seismology . Journal of Geophysical Research , 108, No. B3, 2003 .
Calais E., Vergnolle M., Déverchère J., San'kov V., Lukhnev A., Amarjargal S. Are post-seismic effects of the M=8.4 Bolnay earthquake (July 12, 1905) still influencing GPS velocities in the Mongolia-Baikal area? Geophysical Journal International , 149, 157-168, 2002 .
Chemenda A., Déverchère J., Calais E., Three-dimensional laboratory modelling of rifting: Application to the Baikal Rift, Russia . Tectonophysics , 356, 253-273, 2002 .
Delouis B., Déverchère J., Melnikova V., Radziminovich N., Loncke L., Larroque C., J-F. Ritz, San'kov V. A reappraisal of the 1950 (Mw 6.9) Mondy earthquake, Siberia, and its relationship to the strain pattern at the south-western end of the Baikal rift zone . Terra Nova , 14(6), 491-500, 2002 .
Petit C., Déverchère J., Calais E., San'kov V., Fairhead D. Deep structure and mechanical behavior of the lithosphere in the Hangai-Hövsgöl region, Mongolia: New constraints from gravity modeling . Earth Planetary Science Letters , 197, 133-149, 2002 .
Rollet N., Déverchère J., Beslier M-O., Guennoc P., Réhault J-P., Sosson M., Truffert C. Back-arc extension, tectonic inheritance, and volcanism in the Ligurian Sea, Western Mediterranean . Tectonics , 21(3), 2002 .
San'kov V.A., Levi K.G., Lukhnev A.V., Miroshnichenko A.I., Parfeevets A.V., Radziminovich N.A., Melnikova V.I., Déverchère J., Calais E., Petit C., Amarzhagal S., Delvaux D. Recent geodynamics of the Mongolia-Siberia mobile belt, from structural and GPS data. Tectonics and Geophysics, Proc. XXXV Tectonic Workshop. Geos, Moscow, pp. 170–174, 2002 .
San'kov V.A., Lukhnev A.V., Melnikova V.I., Miroshnichenko A.I., Calais E., Déverchère J., Bashkuev Y.B., Dembelov M.G., Bekhtur B., Amarzhagal S. Present-day tectonic deformations of the southern mounting frame of the Siberian platform from GPS geodesy data. Proceed. Intern. Seminar "On the Use of Space Techniques for Asia-Pacific Regional Crustal Movements Studies", APSG-IRKUTSK 2002, Edited by S. Tatevian, N. Sorokin, S. Oraevskaya, Irkutsk, Russia, 5-10, August, 2002, 118-126, Moscow, GEOS, 2002 .
Déverchère J., Beslier M-O., Rollet N. New insights on the Ligurian Sea structure and evolution from a synthesis of geophysical data (extended abstract). Rapport Commission internationale pour l'Exploration Scientifique de la mer Méditerranée (CIESM) , 36, 17-18, 2001 .deverchere01b.pdf (0.2MB)
Déverchère J., Petit C., Gileva N., Radziminovich N., Melnikova V., San'kov V. Depth distribution of earthquakes in the Baikal rift system and its implications for the rheology of the lithosphere . Geophysical Journal International , 146(3), 714-730, 2001 .
Larroque C., Béthoux N., Calais E., Courboulex F., Deschamps A., Déverchère J., Stéphan J.F., Ritz J.F., Gilli E. Active and recent deformation at the Southern Alps - Ligurian basin junction. Netherlands Journal of Geosciences (Geologie en Mijnbouw), 80(3-4), 255-272, 2001 .
Larroque C., Ritz J.F., Stéphan J.F., San'kov V., Arjannikova A., Calais E., Déverchère J., Loncke L. Interaction compression-extension à la limite Mongolie-Sibérie : analyse préliminaire des déformations récentes et actuelles dans le bassin de Tunka . Comptes-Rendus Académie des Sciences de Paris , 332, 177-184, 2001 .