Late Again? How to Handle Conflict Without Losing the Connection

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Don’t let the out of town folks soak up all the culture.

7) Acknowledge your gift. What is that nagging thought or great idea that just won’t go away? It’s your gift. Recognize it, formulate a plan, and getting started letting your light shine.

icon cool How to Have the Best Single Girl Summer Count your blessings and be a blessing. Volunteer at a soup kitchen. Babysit for a friend that needs some me-time. Spend some quality time with your parents.

9) Drop any dead weight. If you know he aint sh*t, aint never gone be sh*t, aint never gone be about sh*t, then stop messing around with him. Holding onto old baggage doesn’t leave space for new blessings to come into your life. If being with him makes you feel like crap, STOP IT! The same goes for female friends. If she’s always making jokes at your expense, borrowing money that never gets repaid or canceling plans at the last minute, then she needs to go bu-bye too.

10) Go on multiple dates in one day. Meet one for breakfast, one for a walk in the park, and then one for dinner and dancing. Then meet your girls at the bar and tell them all about it.

You’ll be tired, but you’ll have a great story to tell.

11) When you get all dressed up, you need as many people as possible to see how cute you look so hit at least five spots in one night. You don’t have to stay long, but you do have to make sure everyone sees fabulous you.

12) Pull an ultimate get little. If you go into a party and it’s a dud, don’t stay. Life is too short to be bored. And don’t bother making up an excuse why you have to leave. Just bounce. Don’t pass go. Don’t collect $200. Don’t say good-bye, just ghost. Head off to the next par-tay. It’s called the ultimate get little.

13) Know that going outside doesn’t have to break the bank.

Find fun free stuff to do and bring your flask.

Instead of paying $10 for a vodka cranberry, just order the $2 cranberry and pour in the contents of your flask. Instant party and fantastic savings.
Début de l'événement 02.02.2000
Fin de l'événement 27.02.2020