The Strangers We Obsess Over: A Love Story

Description More On the Nuclear Family with Children Narrative
Loosening the Chains of the Nuclear Family
Kindness and Modern Dating
How to Navigate Uncertainty in Online Dating
A Dating Suggestion to the Deeply Frustrated
Rethinking Gender Norms in Modern Dating
Obsessing About Strangers
Two Dates in One
Texts Or Calls And Dating
Men Like a Challenge
Men Want to Feel Manly
Issues with the Language of Dating Angst

Anyway, after writing some of that "serious" profile material, I added a top ten list a la David Letterman. It's silly, but I like how it lightens things up. And judging by the number of responses I've gotten from women since then, including women writing to me first, it's worked.

Here's the list.

Top ten reasons why you might want to go on a date with me:

10. You won't have to do a Google Search to find my pulse.

9. Someday, you might get to pet my neighbor's cats.

8. I occasionally get chased by dogs while biking.

7. The police won't suddenly appear while we are on a date to execute an arrest warrant.

6. I have never had cosmetic surgery to remove the tattooed name of an ex-girlfriend from my chest.

5. I'm not given to long winded stories about gettin' blitzed or marathon games of World of Warcraft.

4. My relationship status on Facebook is not "It's complicated."

3. You might learn how to turn the weeds in your backyard into medicine.

2. I'm fully clothed in all of my photos.

And the number one reason why you might want to go on a date with me:

1. Because dating Harley dudes and golf addicts hasn't worked out too well.

Now, although I did date someone for a short time following putting this list up, mostly it's just increased the correspondence volume. So, who knows if it will bring someone into my life for the long haul or not. But maybe, at least, I'm sparking a few smiles and chuckles. Which is vastly needed amongst all those profiles out there that are dull, filled with painful comments and past miseries, or are, like mine was, just too serious.
Début de l'événement 29.01.2020
Fin de l'événement 10.03.2022